Student Blogs & Vignettes

Keith Keel

Keith Keel


My personal experiences as a fisherman and SCUBA diver have shaped my research interests. My general research interests are centered around the habitat needs of fishes and how they interact with their environment. I am also interested in exploring the effects marine reserves have on fish populations. During my undergraduate studies, I performed research on fish communities through a research experience for undergraduates (REU) internship. My research involved a remote video surveillance system to ‘spy’ on fishes that were utilizing the different habitats of Casco Bay, Maine. Here at CMS, I plan on researching the spawning patterns of fishes by using DNA barcoding to identify fish eggs that are found offshore in the Gulf of Mexico.


I chose CMS because of its perfect location for conducting oceanographic research. Having direct access to the Gulf of Mexico and Tampa Bay, both extraordinary ecosystems that are full of marine life, is ideal for anyone who is looking to fully immerse themselves in the study of marine science. There is perhaps no better place for someone who is obsessed with fish and other sea creatures!