Biological Oceanography
Chris Stallings

Chris Stallings
Biological Oceanography
Ph.D. Oregon State University, 2007
Office Phone: 727.553.3371
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Research: Ecology; Marine conservation and management efforts
Specialties: Fisheries, Conservation, Marine Ecosystems, Ecology, Experimental Science
Research in Dr. Stallings’ lab focuses on basic concepts in ecology, yet includes
a strong applied component to inform marine conservation and management efforts. Overarching
efforts seek to estimate the abundance of marine organisms and examine the ecological
processes that drive population and community dynamics. His lab’s questions are often
framed to evaluate the effects of human activities, such as fishing and coastal development,
on ecological systems. Therefore, much of the research is field-intensive and involves
both experimental and large-scale observational approaches. However, the lab also
incorporates an extensive laboratory component through mesocosm experiments and use
of stable isotope analysis. Moreover, the Stallings Lab explores large datasets, using
multivariate statistics and GIS to reveal broad-scale ecological patterns that may
be further explored through focused regional field studies.