Geological Oceanography
Pamela Hallock Muller

Pamela Hallock Muller
Distinguished University Professor
Geological Oceanography
Ph.D., University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1977
Office Phone: 727.553.1567
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Reef Indicators Lab Website
Dr. Pamela Hallock Muller on Google Scholar
Museum of the Earth profile
Research: Biological, Environmental and Evolutionary Controls on the Production and Accumulation of Carbonate Sediments: Geologic History of Reefs; Modern Coral Reefs; Shelf Ecology; Environmental Management; Micropaleontology; Paleoceanography; Paleoecology.
Specialties: Coral Reefs, Bioindicators, Ocean Acidification, Nutrition in Coastal Zones, Foraminifera, Marine Ecosystems, Ocean Environment
Studies of both the geologic record and modern ecosystems provide insight not only into environments of the past and present, but also the probable effects of human activities on future tropical marine ecosystems. Foraminifera are the most abundant shelled organisms in modern oceans and have a fossil record going back more than 500 million years. They are also excellent model organisms for environmental and paleoceanographic research. Ongoing projects include: a) decadal-scale changes in reef communities of the Florida Keys, b) biology and ecology of benthic foraminifera, corals and their algal symbionts, c) development of bioindicator protocols applicable to reef environments worldwide, and d) effects of ocean acidification on calcification of benthic organisms.
Professor Hallock’s graduate students have come from backgrounds ranging from biology and geology to engineering and computer science; all with an interest in interdisciplinary research. Their work has implications across the geobiological spectrum including cell biology, algal symbiosis, coral-reef ecology, environmental management, global environmental change, evolution, paleoceanography, sedimentology, and hydrocarbon exploration.
In 2012, Dr. Hallock Muller was elected as a Fellow of the Paleontological Society. In 2013, Dr. Hallock Muller was chosen as one of the Top 25 Women Professors in Florida.