University of South Florida

USF College of Marine Science


GRIIDC Hires USF CMS Alumna Inia Soto Ramos to Specialize in Ocean Satellite Data

USF CMS alumna Inia Soto Ramos

USF CMS alumna Inia Soto Ramos

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Dr. Inia Soto Ramos received both here Masters and Ph.D. in biological oceanography from the USF College of Marine Science where she learned satellite oceanography techniques under the direction of Ph.D. adviser Dr. Frank Muller Karger.  In her new role with the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC), she will work as a data curator to review scientific data sets on their way to the GRIIDC ERDDAP server.  Her main task, similar to others in the GRIIDC group, is to transfer all of the incoming data into the right format.  Owing to her background, she specializes in curating the modeling data, physical oceanographic data, and ocean satellite data.  The collection and dissemination of data through the GRIIDC server fulfills an important initiative of the Master Research Agreement (following the Deepwater Horizon oil blowout) between BP and the Gulf of Mexico Alliance by providing public access to information generated by Gulf of Mexico researchers. 

Catching up with Inia a few months into her new position, she had this to say, “I really love my new job because I get the opportunity to work with such a diverse team of researchers, and I get the opportunity to learn about all types of data/instruments and keep up with the new and exciting research in the Gulf of Mexico.”

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