University of South Florida

USF College of Marine Science


Underwater Robots Help Local Scientists Study Hurricanes and More

SECORRA Underwater Robots, Photo Credit: WSAV

SECORRA Underwater Robots, Photo Credit: WSAV

SKIDAWAY ISLAND, WSAV – SECOORA, the Southeastern Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association. ” Part of our mission, as a five university consortium between UGA, UNC, NC State, Georgia Tech and the University of South Florida, is to provide this kind of regional coverage.” Edwards said, adding, ” We’ve been deploying a number of gliders from Cape Canaveral and having them zig-zag all the way from Florida all the way up to North Carolina and we think this kind of mission, where you’re basically making temperature heat maps of the coastal ocean all the way out to the Gulf Stream, will be really useful in helping to understand how hurricanes work.” said Edwards.

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