News Articles
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CMS labs join forces to solve the mysteries of Florida’s red tides
In a serendipitous research cruise this summer, three labs within the USF College of Marine Science, plus its glider fleet team, joined forces to improve our understanding of a decades-old question: what causes red tides to form in the Gulf of Mexico?
September 7, 2022News

Faster in the Past: New seafloor images – the highest resolution of any taken off the West Antarctic Ice Sheet – upend understanding of Thwaites Glacier retreat
At times in its past, retreat of the massive Thwaites Glacier was even quicker than it is today, heightening concerns for its future.
September 5, 2022News

Rising Tides August 2022
View some of the highlights in the Rising Tides Newsletter, August 2022 edition.
August 23, 2022Rising Tides Newsletter

Lessons Learned in the North Pacific
The cruise came after my first year as a master’s student, so I spent the year leading up to the cruise learning about ocean processes and reading about sea-going research.
August 22, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

A hybrid conductometric / spectrophotometric method for determining ionic strength of dilute aqueous solutions
A hybrid conductometric / spectrophotometric method for determining ionic strength of dilute aqueous solutions.
August 17, 2022News, Publication Highlights

Viruses thrive in aquatic plants in Florida’s springs
Recently, the focus has been on viruses in macrophytes, a diverse group of photosynthetic plant-like organisms that are visible with the naked eye, in Florida’s beautiful freshwater springs.
August 16, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

Coral Reef “Oases”: New Study Provides Clues to Locate Resilient Reef Communities
New models developed by an international team including USGS researchers could predict and explain the locations of resilient coral reef communities that may play a key role in coral reef conservation efforts.
August 2, 2022News, Publication Highlights

On the hunt: where do phytoplankton get their food in the nutrient-starved Gulf?
The team has a hunch there’s an overlooked nutrient source that requires further investigation: submarine groundwater discharge along the coastal margins.
August 2, 2022News

Shannon Burns awarded prestigious John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship
USF College of Marine Science Ph.D. student, Shannon Burns, is among 86 finalists selected for the highly competitive 2023 Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship, announced by NOAA and Sea Grant.
August 1, 2022Awards

A Q&A with Dr. Christin Murphy
An adept speaker, Dr. Murphy excels in communicating her cross-disciplinary studies through dance, humor, and emphatic excitement for her work and the applications they hold. Dr. Christin Murphy is a wealth of career advice, scientific knowledge, and a pioneer in bio-technology.
July 22, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

USF research team advances understanding of the small but mighty forage fishes
Forage fishes, or bait fish, are unsung heroes of the Gulf coast ecosystem. Many of these species have been overlooked by fisheries scientists and managers until fairly recently.
July 19, 2022News

Stretching our Sea Legs: A story from the 2022 Pelagic Ecology Cruise
This course gives students an opportunity to experience a research cruise – especially powerful for those who, for one reason or another, may otherwise have gone their whole time at CMS with dry feet.
June 29, 2022Blogs and Perspectives