News Articles
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

A Scavenger Egg Hunt in the Gulf of Mexico
And a fun online activity for kids!
May 6, 2020Blogs and Perspectives

Public’s Favorite Earth Image Processed at USF
Dr. Serge Andrefouet was visiting USF when he processed an image that just keeps on winning.
April 30, 2020Blogs and Perspectives

Rising Tides – April 2020
View some of the highlights in the Rising Tides Newsletter, April 2020 edition.
April 16, 2020Rising Tides Newsletter

A Q&A with Alum, Dr. Jyotika Virmani
We caught up with Jyotika, who was previously the Executive Director of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE that involved a full-on gaggle of CMS alums, to hear more about the dawn of her illustrious new career chapter.
April 16, 2020Newsletter Articles

Scientists Conduct First Census of Viruses and Bacteria Living in Florida Springs
The study provides a critical baseline understanding of freshwater springs fed by the Floridan Aquifer, a source of drinking water that has declined in health in recent years
April 16, 2020News

Oil Toxins Pervasive in Gulf of Mexico
All fishes sampled in first comprehensive, Gulf-wide survey of oil pollution after 2010 Deepwater Horizon Spill show evidence of chronic oil exposure.
April 15, 2020News

USF Leads Installation of New High Frequency Radar (HFR) near Marathon, Florida
A new High Frequency Radar (HFR) was installed near Marathon, Florida to study the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current System by the University of South Florida’s Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System (USF COMPS), in cooperation with Rutgers University and the University of Miami.
April 13, 2020Blogs and Perspectives

CMS Helps Start Ripple Effect of Giving in St. Petersburg
Rising to the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic.

Scientists “Watch” Phytoplankton Regenerate Trace Metals for First Time
A lab simulation led by the USF College of Marine Science begins to plug holes in decades-long gaps of knowledge about trace metal chemistry.
April 2, 2020News

Dr. Cheryl Hapke Named 2020 Distinguished Lecturer
Hapke will receive the award at the 2020 GSA Annual Meeting in Montreal, Quebec in October.

New CMS Outreach Program Wins Smart Cities Award
We are proud to launch this program with the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Suncoast so we can that educate kids about the challenges and opportunities facing our precious coast, while also empowering them toward action.
March 10, 2020Community Engagement, News

Solving the Mystery of Coastal Sargassum
USF marine scientists were part of a NOAA-led study that improves our understanding of a new phenomenon: thick belts of brown algae piling up in places it never used to be before.
February 25, 2020News