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Week One: Painting with Bacteria! - “Who are you?” activity.

Girls Go Gaga Over Science

This blog whisks you through my summer doing marine science with Girls Inc—and you don’t even have to get your feet wet!

September 18, 2019Blogs and Perspectives, Community Engagement

A discrete sampler being lowered a couple feet below the water's surface to collect microplastics. Photo Credit: Kinsley McEachern

New Study Reveals Four Billion Particles of Microplastics in Tampa Bay Waters

A new study from the University of South Florida St. Petersburg and Eckerd College estimates the waters of Tampa Bay contain four billion particles of microplastics, raising new questions about the impact of pollution on marine life in this vital ecosystem.

September 12, 2019News

A CARIACO team recovers the buoy that housed the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). Data from the ADCP revealed a daily migration of fish into and out of the anoxic waters in the morning and evening.

21-Year CARIACO Ocean Time Series Ends: That’s a Wrap! ¡Fin del Día!

Award-Winning program, led by scientists in Venezuela & the U.S., leaves a rich 21-yr legacy - and perhaps a few tears

September 6, 2019News

The R/V Bellows, docked alongside its replacement the R/V Hogarth in recent months, will soon set sail as a shipwreck hunter.

Bon Voyage, R/V Bellows!

A 71-foot workhorse of the ocean science and education community for nearly 45 years, the Bellows was sold to TSR, Inc., which stands for Treasure & Shipwreck Recovery.

September 6, 2019News

(L-R) Dr. Isabel C. Romero (College of Marine Science University of South Florida) and Dr. Jon Moore (Wilkes Honors College at Florida Atlantic University) collect samples from midwater trawling that used a 10-m2 MOCNESS net during DEEPEND Consortium cruises. Photo Credit: Isabel Romero, courtesy of DEEPEND.

Twenty Scientists Awarded 2019 Early-Career Research Fellowships by National Academies’ Gulf Research Program

USF CMS Research Associate Dr. Isabel Romero among the award recipients

September 3, 2019News

Coasta Rica beach scene. Photo Credit: Erin M. Symonds

Transdisciplinary beach water quality investigation hits 2-year milestone

Multi-institution team supported by US NSF collected over 5000 beach surveys and hundreds of samples as they darted in and out of the waves of Costa Rica over 26 weekends.

August 30, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill is an industrial disaster that began on April 20, 2010.

2 New Books Summarize Findings from Historic Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

The USF CMS led on the production of a powerful two-volume series about the historic Deepwater Horizon oil spill published by Springer: Deep Oil Spills: Facts, Fate, and Effects and Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War.

August 27, 2019News

Working the overnight shift, Grace Koziol, Brianna Michaud, Nicole Seiden, and Abby Blackburn (left to right) control the Bongo nets as they’re hoisted aboard the R/V Hogarth.

15-Year Study Will Collect Fish Eggs Across the Entire West Florida Shelf for DNA-Barcoding Analysis

This year, 2019, begins a 15-year monitoring program funded by the Florida RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Program.

August 21, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

REU participants attended a lunch hosted by Sloan UCEM at USF Top of the Palms with Bernard Batson and COE students. (left to right: Richard Rivera, Angel Cedeño, Jenelle DeVry, Tione Grant, and Alexis Peterson)

REU 2019 Summary

The USF College of Marine Sciences (CMS) hosted five Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) participants this summer from four minority serving institutions.

August 4, 2019News

Dr. Charles 'Chuck' Wilson, Dr. Rita Colwell, Dr. Steven Murawski, and Dr. Margaret Leinen after a productive first day of overviews.

Multi-institution Science Team Meets in St. Petersburg, FL to Synthesize Ecosystem Impacts of the Historic Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

A core team met most recently in St. Petersburg, FL from July 23-25 to participate in a workshop entitled “Ecosystem Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Event: Assembling the Record of Species and Community Change.”

August 2, 2019News

This autonomous glider, part of the University of South Florida College of Marine Science glider fleet, is modified with sonar technology and will collect up-close and personal data on the migrating animals in the water column during a mission to explore the Gulf of Mexico. Chad Lembke, Research Faculty at USF CMS, plays a critical role in the mission. The team will also use new technology from the National Geographic Society. Credit: John Horne, University of Washington.

Researchers deploy new tech to explore depths of Gulf of Mexico

FIU marine scientist Kevin Boswell and a multi-institution research team will deploy experimental technology next week to explore the deep scattering layers of the ocean.

July 26, 2019News

Credit and Copyright: Benjamin Dimmitt

Coastal Forests in Crisis

A team at the USF College of Marine Science documents a die-off of coastal forests along the Big Bend of Florida using photographs and satellite imagery.

July 12, 2019News

Mission Statement

Our blue planet faces a suite of challenges and opportunities for understanding and innovation. Our mission is to advance understanding of the interconnectivity of ocean systems and human-ocean interactions using a cross-disciplinary approach, to empower the next workforce of the blue economy with a world-class education experience, and to share our passion for a healthy environment and science-informed decision-making with community audiences near and far.