News Articles
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A kilometer of Antarctic ice hides lake and possible clues to the future of our warming planet
At 15 meters deep, Mercer is the deepest subglacial lake to have been directly sampled, building on the accomplishments of the WISSARD expedition to Lake Whillans, a subglacial lake downstream of Mercer with an average depth of about 2 meters at the time of sampling.
March 8, 2019News

USF scientist talks about the health of the Gulf of Mexico 9 years after the BP oil disaster
In April of 2010 BP’s Deepwater Horizon exploded and nearly 5 million barrels of oil spewed into the Gulf of Mexico over several weeks; the Gulf ecosystem was damaged and researchers are trying to figure out how badly.
March 6, 2019News

Zonal Jets: the Boundless Capillaries of the Sea
USF professor Boris Galperin leads global effort to publish the first comprehensive book on zonal jets, complex features of atmospheric and ocean circulation that evaded discovery in the ocean for decades.
February 28, 2019News

Diving into a Fish-Eat-Forage-Fish World
As scuba divers, life beneath the waves is peaceful as we move weightlessly through the water column in relative quiet aside from the air bubbling from our regulators, the whirl of distant boat propellers and the snap, crackle and pop of parrotfish munching on the reef.
February 27, 2019News

Grad students wrap up second day at the 2019 ASLO conference in Puerto Rico
Six fellow graduate students and I just wrapped up our second day at the 2019 Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) conference here in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
February 27, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

Study Estimates Larger-than-Expected Oil Footprint Near the Damaged Taylor Energy Platform
Researchers analyzed remote sensing imagery to assess oil slicks near the Taylor Energy platform, which was damaged by Hurricane Ivan in September 2004, and determined how environmental conditions affected the slicks’ distributions.
February 26, 2019News

Climate change is here. Will Tampa Bay finally get ready?
Our coastal region must prepare for the threats of climate change. Enter the Tampa Bay Regional Resiliency Coalition. But what can local governments do when the world’s governments haven’t done enough?
February 25, 2019News

The Ocean Is Running Out of Breath, Scientists Warn
idespread and sometimes drastic marine oxygen declines are stressing sensitive species—a trend that will continue with climate change.
February 25, 2019News

2019 marks 15 years of the Spoonbill Bowl
On Saturday, February 16th, 2019, eleven high schools from across west central Florida fielded teams to compete against each other in a Round Robin style competition during the morning portion of the tournament followed by a playoff style competition in the afternoon.
February 20, 2019Community Engagement

The story behind 1A’s live broadcast: A showcase of what makes St. Pete great
On Monday, the University of South Florida St. Petersburg hosted a live recording of one of the most popular shows circulated by NPR, WAMU’s 1A, whose name pays homage to the First Amendment.
February 14, 2019News

The Loop – Episode 13: For a few dollars more: costs and ecosystem services after spills
David Levin sits down with David Yoskowitz from the Harte Research Institute of Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi to discuss the economics behind oil spill response and recovery.
February 12, 2019News