News Articles
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

Analysis crew to check results of ocean acidification on iron availability to phytoplankton in North Pacific
Kristen Buck, associate professor in the College of Marine Science, is part of an international, three-year effort to understand how ocean acidification affects the availability of iron, which is critical to the growth of the phytoplankton that form the base of the marine food web.
January 14, 2019News

Warmer weather is returning for a short time
The weather is not expected to change concentrations of red tide in the area.
January 14, 2019News

Mark Luther joins board of the International Seakeepers Society
Mark Luther, Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Maritime and Port Studies in the College of Marine Science, has been elected to the Board of Directors of the International SeaKeepers Society.
January 10, 2019News

USF CMS Students Prepare for the 36th Annual Graduate Student Symposium
This Friday, January 11, 2019, students from USF College of Marine Science will present their research at the 36th annual Graduate Student Symposium.
January 7, 2019News

C-SCAMP’s Mapping and Seafloor Imaging Work Highlighted in Fall 2018 Issue of Guy Harvey Magazine
Some of the work done by the Continental Shelf Characterization, Assessment, and Mapping Project (C-SCAMP), led by PI Dr. Steve Murawski and Co-PIs Chad Lembke and Dr. Stan Locker, was featured in Guy Harvey Magazine’s Fall 2018 Issue.
December 21, 2018News

Lower Oxygen Levels to Impact the Oceanic Food Chain
A new study published in Science Advances finds just the slightest change in oxygen level could have tremendous ramifications on the food chain.
December 19, 2018News

CMS in the News - 2018
The USF College of Marine Science news team is dedicated to sharing USF CMS's story to a global audience. View CMS in the news for 2018.
December 18, 2018CMS in the News

The hunt for life below Antarctic ice
In the next few weeks, researchers in Antarctica will drill through 1,100 metres of ice into a lake that has remained sealed for millennia. Here’s what they hope to find.
December 14, 2018News

New Theory has fundamental implications for atmospheric and oceanic sciences
Dr. Galperin, professor of physical oceanography at USF CMS, and Dr. Semion Sukoriansky, from the Ben-Gurion University in Beer Sheva,Israel, have recently developed a new theory of turbulence in rotating systems, such as Earth and other planets.
December 10, 2018News

Meet Principal Investigator Brad Rosenheim
Brad Rosenheim is a Principal Investigator for SALSA, and is an Associate Professor in the College of Marine Sciences at the University of South Florida. However, he is no stranger to cold places: he’s been to Antarctica before, grew up in New Jersey, and went to the University of Vermont as an undergraduate.
December 7, 2018News

What’s under the Antarctic Ice Sheet?
A unique method created by a USF associate professor to determine radiocarbon ages, will be central to an expedition expected to transform the way we view the Antarctic continent.
December 5, 2018News

USF CMS Doctoral Student To Travel To Antarctica
Michelle Guitard, a PhD student at the University of South Florida College of Marine Science, is going to see these changes first-hand on a two-month expedition to Antarctica.
December 3, 2018News