ST. PETERSBURG, FL - Karyna Rosario, PhD, who works with Mya Breitbart, PhD, at the USF College of Marine Science, was recently featured in an impressive magazine and online article by Futurum, a magazine and online platform aimed at inspiring young people to follow a career in the sciences, research and technology.
“In our oceans, there are about 100 billion times as many viruses as there are grains of sand on Earth,” said Rosario. Take a look to learn more about Rosario’s research interests, and how she found her way into a rewarding career!
The article includes a link to an activity sheet for students and teachers. For more information, teaching resources, and course and career guides, see

Karyna collecting seawater samples in the Antarctic Peninsula as part of an NSF-funded educational programme geared towards increasing underrepresented groups in STEM fields.