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Rising Tides October 2022 | USF College of Marine Science

Rising Tides October 2022

View some of the highlights in the Rising Tides Newsletter, October 2022 edition.

October 25, 2022Rising Tides Newsletter

This study is the first to drill down into the relationship between oxygen, temperature and the metabolic requirements of vertical migrators, which include krill to the jumbo squid (shown here). The metabolic requirements of vertical migrators suggest they may experience an expansion of their native habitat in response to changing ocean conditions. Credit: Stephani Gordon, Open Boat Films

Warming oceans likely to shrink the viable habitat of many marine animals – but not all

As the oceans warm squid and other vertical migrators living in tropical zones are likely to expand their habitat northward – but not necessarily leave their native tropical zones.

October 14, 2022News

Mya Breitbart with her team in the field.

Mya Breitbart, “virus hunter” at the CMS, named Distinguished University Professor

Twenty years ago, Mya Breitbart, a biological oceanography professor at the USF College of Marine Science (CMS), published a landmark paper in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences (PNAS) about a new sequencing technique called viral metagenomics.

October 10, 2022News

Hispanic Heritage Month 2022

USF CMS Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs through October 15th, Ana Arellano conducted a Q&A with members of our Hispanic/Latinx/a/o community here at the USF College of Marine Science.

October 7, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

Through improved flood forecasting, the Florida Flood Hub for Applied Research and Innovation will inform science-based policy, planning, and management decisions to support a more resilient Florida for all.

The Flood Hub rises to the challenge of coastal resilience in Florida

Through improved flood forecasting, the Florida Flood Hub for Applied Research and Innovation will inform science-based policy, planning, and management decisions to support a more resilient Florida for all.

September 19, 2022Florida Flood Hub, News

Robert H. Weisberg, a University of South Florida physical oceanographer, stands on the top deck of the R/V W.T. Hogarth research vessel on May 3. [ DOUGLAS R. CLIFFORD | Tampa Bay Times ]

Robert H. Weisberg was elected as an AGU Fellow

Distinguished University Professor Emeritus Robert H. Weisberg was elected as an American Geophysical Union’s (AGU) Fellow.

September 19, 2022Awards, News

The view from inside Hurricane Florence in 2018. Credit: Nick Underwood/NOAA

Keeping our eyes on hurricanes

Hurricane season is ramping up. From submersible “pickup trucks” to “flying research labs,” hurricane monitoring programs help modelers predict the strength and path of tropical systems.

September 13, 2022Resiliency News

Active coral restoration at Laughing Bird Caye National Park in Belize

USF awarded $20 million federal grant to protect coral reef and mangrove ecosystems

The National Science Foundation has awarded a $20 million grant to a USF-lead team of researchers to develop a standardized approach to the protection and replenishment of coral reef and mangrove ecosystems, which serve as a barrier in protecting our coasts.

September 12, 2022Awards

The glider fitted with a SUNA nitrate sensor was deployed by members of the Center for Ocean Technology to capture water column data. Photo credit, Chad Lembke.

CMS labs join forces to solve the mysteries of Florida’s red tides

In a serendipitous research cruise this summer, three labs within the USF College of Marine Science, plus its glider fleet team, joined forces to improve our understanding of a decades-old question: what causes red tides to form in the Gulf of Mexico?

September 7, 2022News

The R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer photographed from a drone at Thwaites Glacier ice front in February 2019. (Credit: Alexandra Mazur/University of Gothenburg)

Faster in the Past: New seafloor images – the highest resolution of any taken off the West Antarctic Ice Sheet – upend understanding of Thwaites Glacier retreat

At times in its past, retreat of the massive Thwaites Glacier was even quicker than it is today, heightening concerns for its future.

September 5, 2022News

Rising Tides August 2022 | USF College of Marine Science

Rising Tides August 2022

View some of the highlights in the Rising Tides Newsletter, August 2022 edition.

August 23, 2022Rising Tides Newsletter

Early evening view of the North Pacific.

Lessons Learned in the North Pacific

The cruise came after my first year as a master’s student, so I spent the year leading up to the cruise learning about ocean processes and reading about sea-going research.

August 22, 2022Blogs and Perspectives

Mission Statement

Our blue planet faces a suite of challenges and opportunities for understanding and innovation. Our mission is to advance understanding of the interconnectivity of ocean systems and human-ocean interactions using a cross-disciplinary approach, to empower the next workforce of the blue economy with a world-class education experience, and to share our passion for a healthy environment and science-informed decision-making with community audiences near and far.