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USF CMS Sunset

Spoonbill Bowl 2018

Reigning champion Eastside High School from Gainesville Florida won the 2018 Spoonbill Bowl.

February 26, 2018Community Engagement, News

USF CMS Sunset

2018 Florida Sea Grant Newell Scholarship

This scholarship provides $1,000 in support of travel to a scientific conference so that Alexander can present his research results and network with colleagues.

February 21, 2018News

USF CMS Sunset

2018 AAAS new fellow Mya Breitbart

Congratulations to Mya Breitbart, a new 2018 fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

February 20, 2018News

USF CMS Sunset

2018 Sloan Foundation Fellow physical oceanographer Xinfeng Liang

Congratulations to USF College of Marine Science physical oceanographer Xinfeng Liang, a new 2018 Sloan Foundation Fellow.

February 16, 2018News

-IMAGE III - USF College of Marine Science

The Loop – Episode 11: The Cuban Connection: Spills, Science Diplomacy

C-IMAGE collaborated with researchers from the University of Havana for the first join U.S.-Cuban expedition in over 50 years. This 2017 expedition invited students and researchers from the University of Havana-Centro de Investigaciones Marinas to partner with C-IMAGE as part of the OneGulf expeditions.

February 16, 2018News

Kristen Buck, Assistant Professor Chemical Oceanography

Assistant professor to co-chair next week’s Ocean Sciences Meeting in Portland

Focusing on the role of women in science and the challenges faced, a select number of town halls, panel discussions and other activities will provide an opportunity for women to learn career and interpersonal skills. Inspiringly, all three of the lifetime achievement awards presented by the society partners will be received by women this year.

February 7, 2018News

USF CMS Sunset

Virtual buoys made possible by satellites freely provide oceanographic data at the click of a mouse

By taking optical measurements of the surface of coastal and inland waters and by examining samples of floating seaweed, Dr. Hu and fellow researchers look for improvements to algorithms that are used to interpret remotely sensed data. 

January 30, 2018News

Fulbright student Imogen Browne

Get to know PhD student Imogen Browne

Get an up-close look at this fascinating two-month expedition to research 20 million years of ice sheet history.

January 22, 2018News

USF CMS Sunset

Crossing the Ross Sea Polynya and other antics

The JOIDES Resolution is now following RV/IB Nathaniel B Palmer into the Ross Sea Polynya, which is Earth’s largest ice making factory.

January 16, 2018News

Josh Kilborn's Commencement Speech

Inspirational Commencement Speech Delivered by Joshua P. Kilborn

Graduate student commencement speech delivered by Josh Kilborn, PhD student, University of South Florida College of Marine Science.

January 10, 2018News

USF CMS Sunset

USF CMS Dean Jackie Dixon publishes new paper on deep earth cycling of carbon and water

Her research explores the origins of water and carbon dioxide on earth using measurements of water and carbon dioxide concentrations and ratios of hydrogen and other stable isotopes. 

January 8, 2018News

USF CMS Sunset

USF College of Marine Science Geologists Join International Antarctic Expedition

Investigating 23 million years of past climate change and West Antarctic Ice Sheet response in a region that is sensitive to changes in ocean and atmospheric warming and contributes to global sea level change.

January 8, 2018News

Mission Statement

Our blue planet faces a suite of challenges and opportunities for understanding and innovation. Our mission is to advance understanding of the interconnectivity of ocean systems and human-ocean interactions using a cross-disciplinary approach, to empower the next workforce of the blue economy with a world-class education experience, and to share our passion for a healthy environment and science-informed decision-making with community audiences near and far.