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Author Jack Davis (center) talks with guests before giving a talk on his Pulitzer Prize-winning book. USFCMS professor Steve Murawski (left) waits to ask Dr. Davis a question.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Jack Davis, speaks at inaugural event of the Joint Institute for the Gulf of Mexico Studies

The environmental history professor and award-winning author most recently received the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in history for his book The Gulf: The Making of an American Sea.

October 11, 2018News

College of Marine Science students pose with trash pickers after a long day’s work

USF CMS Students and the St. Petersburg Community Come Together to Help Clean a Local Park

This year, MSAC united with Keep Pinellas Beautiful as a part of their International Coastal Cleanup, an initiative aimed at reducing marine debris along our coastlines.

October 3, 2018News

USF College of Marine Science Fellowships and Awards Luncheon

2018 Fellowships and Awards Luncheon

The 2018 University of South Florida College of Marine Science Graduate Student Fellowship Award Luncheon will take place on October 5, 2018 at The Mahaffey Theater.

October 2, 2018News

The Totten Glacier in East Antarctica

Amelia Shevenell awarded NSF Grant to study past ocean-ice sheet interactions in East Antarctica

The USF College of Marine Science (USF CMS) has been awarded a National Science Foundation Grant ($305,139) to determine the influence of ocean temperatures on coastal glaciers in East Antarctica over the past 18,000 years.

September 29, 2018Awards, News

Brent Summers sailing on NSF funded US GEOTRACES GP15

The U.S. GEOTRACES GP15 Expedition Along the Pacific Ocean Departs

USF CMS graduate student Brent Summers is currently sailing on NSF funded US GEOTRACES GP15 out of Seattle, WA.

September 19, 2018News

Diver Jon Peake conducting fish surveys

Estimating Long Term Impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms Involves Complex Analyses of Marine Communities

As part of a multiyear artificial reef study, divers Jon Peake and Meaghan Faletti finished up our Summer fish surveys this past week.

September 18, 2018News

USF Led Team Deploys Tsunami Buoy Test in Tampa Bay

USF-led team deploys tsunami buoy test in Tampa Bay

Six-month test will measure sea floor motion and allow for improved forecasting of tsunamis.

September 17, 2018News

Image Credit: University of South Florida College of Marine Science

Underwater Gliders Chasing Hurricane Florence

Two gliders were deployed in the South Atlantic Bight ahead of Hurricane Florence making her way to the U.S. eastern seaboard.

September 12, 2018News

Nathaniel B Palmer RVIB arrives at the McMurdo Station dock.

Geologic Record reveals Antarctic Ice-Shelf Collapse sometimes means delayed consequences

A new study published in Scientific Reports, the open access journal by the Nature Publishing group, examines interactions between changing climate and the Antarctic Ice Sheet during the last deglaciation, which occurred about 10,000 years ago.

September 10, 2018News

Lifting the icy layers off Antarctica reveals high mountains and low valleys — many below sea level.

The Sleeping Giant

East Antarctica, long thought stable, is drawing fresh attention.

August 31, 2018News

A USF glider deployed to measure water quality proxies for red tide

Application of New Technology to the Monitoring and Prediction of Florida Red Tides

Red tides are extremely disruptive to the environment and to people living and working along the coast.

August 29, 2018News

IMARS Group at USF College of Marine Science

CMS Professor Frank Muller-Karger Awarded NSF Big Data Grant to Improve Coastal Floodplain Maps

The USF College of Marine Science (CMS) has been awarded a National Science Foundation grant ($1,000,000) to establish a Big Data Regional Innovation Hub for a three-year study in collaboration with Texas A&M University and Google Earth Engine.

August 28, 2018Awards, News

Mission Statement

Our blue planet faces a suite of challenges and opportunities for understanding and innovation. Our mission is to advance understanding of the interconnectivity of ocean systems and human-ocean interactions using a cross-disciplinary approach, to empower the next workforce of the blue economy with a world-class education experience, and to share our passion for a healthy environment and science-informed decision-making with community audiences near and far.