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Team MERA during the epidemiological survey training at the Costa Rican Water and Sewage Authority’s Water Laboratory (LNA), led by Maryann Cairns, PhD, from Southern Methodist University (SMU) and Erin Symonds, PhD, from the University of South Florida (USF) with Costa Rican university students, LNA employees, and SMU/USF graduate students.

USF Partner in Costa Rica Launches the Country’s First Program to Detect Coronavirus in Wastewater

With more than 5,000 beach surveys, 500 behavioral observations, and 80 interviews to digest, and water quality data to crunch, it was time to celebrate this phase of their NSF-funded coastal health study called MERA, which included several trainings by the USF team to help their colleagues get up to speed on a suite of environmental monitoring techniques.

July 29, 2020COVID-19, News

COVID-19 virus

Perspectives on COVID

Everyone’s experience of COVID is unique. We virtually sat down with three members of our marine science community to get their perspectives on how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed what it means to be a scientist, and to get their thoughts on what these changes mean for the future of marine science.

July 28, 2020COVID-19, News

COVID-19 virus

Perspectives on COVID

Everyone’s experience of COVID is unique. We virtually sat down with three members of our marine science community to get their perspectives on how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed what it means to be a scientist, and to get their thoughts on what these changes mean for the future of marine science.

July 27, 2020COVID-19, News

PhD candidate, Imogen Browne, samples sediment with fellow scientists on board International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 374 to the Ross Sea in 2018. Photo courtesy of IODP.

Back to the Future

Marine geologists at the USF College of Marine Science bounce around in time. Millions of years in the past. Hundreds of years in the future. No DeLorean needed.

July 3, 2020News

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

USF Appoints World-class Scientist and Researcher to Serve as College of Marine Science Dean

The University of South Florida announced today the appointment of Thomas K. Frazer as professor and dean in the College of Marine Science – an internationally recognized hub of academic and research excellence in biological, chemical, geological and physical oceanographic sciences.

June 11, 2020News

Two scientists deploy a biogeochemical Argo float aboard the R/V Palmer during a research cruise to the Southern Ocean. Photo courtesy of Greta Shum, SOCCOM project.

How A Fickle pH Sensor Connected Two Future Colleagues

Nancy Williams, PhD, studies the behavior of carbon dioxide (CO2) in seawater to better understand how our ocean cycles and stores carbon.

June 11, 2020News

A new theory proposed by two scientists, called the Quasi-Normal Scale Elimination (QNSE) theory, holds great promise to revolutionize the physics behind turbulent flows in the atmosphere and ocean. This image was taken by crew members aboard the International Space Station when they flew above the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Credit: NASA

Toward a New Theory of Turbulence

Boris Galperin, PhD, associate professor at the USF College of Marine Science and Semion Sukoriansky, PhD, a professor at the Ben-Gurion University in Israel have been building a new theory of turbulence called Quasi-Normal Scale Elimination (QNSE).

June 9, 2020News

Flying through the eye of Hurricane Florence aboard a NOAA WP-3D Orion, nicknamed “Kermit.”Photo courtesy of College of Marine Science graduate student, Nick Underwood.

Squalls Out on the Gulf Stream

Yep, it’s that time again. Hurricane season runs from June 1-November 30. Here’s a short video glimpse into how researchers at the USF College of Marine Science help better forecast and understand hurricanes.

June 8, 2020News

 In the first part of 2020 nearly 11,500 ships visited one of 15 ports around the state of Florida. Photo credit: Dr. Steve Meyers.

Cross-Disciplinary Team Led by USF College of Marine Science Wins Pilot Award to Study Impact of Maritime Transportation on COVID-19 Transmission

A team of scientists will shine a light on the black box thanks to a new grant from USF’s COVID-19 Rapid Response program.

June 5, 2020COVID-19, News

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

CMPS Awarded Grant to Investigate the Role of Ships and Seaports in Florida in the Transmission of Coronavirus

The global shipping industry has been recognized by scientists as a vector for pathogen transmission that should be included in epidemiological models.

June 4, 2020News

Some of the deepest parts of the seafloor are covered by dense deposits of polymetallic nodules, shown here, which contain richer stores of valuable metals like cobalt and nickel than manyfound on land. The nodules range in size from a golf ball to a potato. Credit: Maersk

USF College of Marine Science to Co-Host Green Energy-Themed Ocean Mineral Conference in September 2020

Registration is open for the 49th Annual Underwater Mining Conference (UMC), co-hosted by the International Marine Minerals Society (IMMS) and the USF College of Marine Science.

June 3, 2020News

Southwest Florida, USA, showing the path of Hurricane Irma (red line in main graphic and in the inset showing the western Gulf of Mexico and the state of Florida; ArcGIS Basemap Source: ESRI). Local management jurisdiction boundaries are shown in different colors.

A New, Fast Way to Analyze Hurricane Damage to Coastal Environments

A team led by the USF College of Marine Science developed new way to process satellite images to assess damage from Hurricane Irma to mangrove forests on Florida’s southwest coast—and did so 200 times faster than traditional methods

June 1, 2020News

Mission Statement

Our blue planet faces a suite of challenges and opportunities for understanding and innovation. Our mission is to advance understanding of the interconnectivity of ocean systems and human-ocean interactions using a cross-disciplinary approach, to empower the next workforce of the blue economy with a world-class education experience, and to share our passion for a healthy environment and science-informed decision-making with community audiences near and far.