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Pushing the limits of 2D supramolecules
Scientists at the University of South Florida have reached a new milestone in the development of two-dimensional supramolecules – the building blocks that make areas of nanotechnology and nanomaterial advancement possible.
April 14, 2020Research and Innovation

Chemistry Professor Gets Creative in Bringing Experiments Online
USF organic chemistry instructor, Solomon Weldegirma, PhD, takes on video production so that his 1,000-plus students can successfully complete the spring semester during the COVID-19 stay at home mandate.
April 7, 2020COVID-19, Research and Innovation

Five USF Faculty Members Recognized with Excellence in Innovation Awards
From chemistry to computer science and clean water, these faculty members are some of USF’s top innovators.
January 15, 2020Honors and Awards, Research and Innovation, University News

Malaria Could Be Felled by an Antarctic Sea Sponge
The frigid waters of the Antarctic may yield a treatment for a deadly tropical disease that affects populations in some of the hottest places on earth. Current medications for that scourge — malaria — are becoming less effective as drug resistance spreads.
September 18, 2019Research and Innovation, USF Health