Article Listing
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

Company founded by USF engineering professors earns Patent for Humanity award
December 3, 2024Community Partners, Energy/Environment, Engineering, Startups

Four innovative start-ups awarded Foundation BRAG funding to advance USF technologies
August 29, 2024Data/AI/Software, Energy/Environment, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Life Sciences, Research & Innovation, Startups

Dr. Sylvia Thomas and Dr. Daniel Yeh to be inducted into the Florida Inventors Hall of Fame
June 16, 2024Community Partners, Energy/Environment, Engineering, Research & Innovation

USF using AI to help combat malaria in Africa
USF researchers to explore innovative solutions to target malaria-infected mosquitoes in real-time
June 6, 2024Data/AI/Software, Energy/Environment, Life Sciences, Research & Innovation

Two USF faculty innovators selected for the Florida Inventors Hall of Fame
May 30, 2024Energy/Environment, Engineering, Research & Innovation, Startups

World IP Day 2024: IP and the SDGs
Exploring how IP encourages creative solutions to building our common future
April 26, 2024Energy/Environment, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Research & Innovation

USF research funding reaches record high of $692 million
March 18, 2024Arts and Sciences, Data/AI/Software, Energy/Environment, Engineering, Life Sciences, Research & Innovation

IP attorneys to discuss open source licenses and academic tech commercialization
March 4, 2024Community Partners, Data/AI/Software, Energy/Environment, Research & Innovation

USF wins AUTM's Better World Project Award for Professor Yeh's NEWgenerator
February 23, 2024Community Partners, Energy/Environment, Engineering, Research & Innovation, Startups

USF's NEWgenerator Technology one of three finalists for 2024 Better World Project Award
January 1, 2024Community Partners, Energy/Environment, Engineering, Research & Innovation, Startups