The Center for Student Well-Being | University of South Florida

  • Upcoming Swell Programs

    Find Your Well with Upcoming SWELL Programs! Join our group on BullsConnect to keep up with our events.

  • HEAT

    JOIN HEAT! Click here: to start your application today. If you would like more information, please join one of our information sessions: February 18th from 5:30PM - 6:30PM at the MSC Atrium or join us on March 4th from 5:30PM - 6:30PM in the Student Health and Wellness Center Conference Room. If you have any questions, please email Kameron Talley at

  • Swellness Workshop Series!

    A series of workshops on various wellness topics. Visit BullsConnect for more information about these events!

  • timelycare 24-7 mental health care

    Access Free Mental Health Care 24/7! USF has partnered with Timelycare to offer mental health services when you need it.

  • fake id

    Did You Know? While having a Fake ID may seem like no big deal, the truth is, being caught with a Fake ID may get you into more trouble than you realize. Not only could you face fines or jail time, it could also get in the way of future goals.


Instagram Promotion for @wellnessusf

Follow us on Instagram @wellnessusf for the latest updates on events, health and wellness resources, and educational content designed to support your well-being!



HEAT is a group of trained peer health educators with the Center for Student Well-Being. They contribute to campus-wide efforts focusing on health, wellness, and safety. Click here to learn more about this dynamic team!

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