Naval ROTC
Executive Officer

Maj Nathaniel P. Redman enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in August of 1996 as a 7212 Stinger/Avenger Gunner. Upon completion of Boot Camp and Marine Combat Training (MCT) he was assigned to 2d Low Altitude Air Defense (LAAD) Battalion in Cherry Point, North Carolina, where he served until August of 1999. In August 1999 he was assigned to the Marine Corps Enlisted Education Program (MECEP) at North Carolina State University (NCSU) in Raleigh, North Carolina. He attended NCSU from August 1999 until December 2002 when he graduated and received a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant. Major Redman attended the Basic School with 2nd Platoon, Co C, 2002. After graduation, he attended the Low Altitude Air Defense Officer's Course, after which Major Redman received orders to 2d LAAD Battalion, Marine Air Control Group 28, 2D Marine Aircraft Wing.
Upon joining 2d LAAD Battalion, Major Redman was assigned to Alpha Battery as the platoon commander for 1st Platoon. He participated in Exercise's JTFEX 1-04 in North Carolina, RCAX 6-04 in California and Desert Talon 2-04 in Arizona. Following these exercises, he was deployed to Marine Corps Air Station Al Asad, Iraq where he supported Operation Iraqi Freedom 4-06 as a Platoon Commander in the Security Battalion. From February 2005 to May 2005 his areas of responsibility included the Military Entry Control Point, Third Country Nation Transportation, Living Area Security and Ammo Supply Point (ASP) Security. In May 2005, his platoon was reassigned as a convoy security team for PCS convoys. He served as the Convoy Commander and successfully commanded 38 convoys that convoyed to these areas in Iraq: Ramadi, Fallujah, Korean Village and Tribil. In August 2005, Major Redman finished his first tour in Iraq and returned to 2d LAAD Battalion, Cherry Point, North Carolina.
Upon his return from OIF 4-06 he was reassigned as the Executive Officer for Alpha Battery. As Executive Officer, he participated in Weapons Instruction & Tactics (WTI) exercise 1-06. In May 2006 he was reassigned as 2d LAAD Battalion's Adjutant and S-3A where he served until November 2006. In November 2006 he was reassigned to Bravo Battery as the Executive Officer. In February 2007, he deployed with 2d LAAD Battalion, Bravo Battery to Al Asad, Iraq as part of the Security Battalion in support of OIF 6-08.1. Bravo Battery's areas of responsibilities included: Entry Control Point 1, Perimeter Security, Quick Response Force (QRF) and External Mounted Patrols. In August 2007, Major Redman finished his second tour in Iraq and returned to 2d LAAD Battalion, Cherry Point, North Carolina.
Following his return from Iraq, Major Redman received orders to report to The Basic School in Quantico, Virginia. From October 2007 to August 2010, Major Redman served the Basic School in the billets of Assistant Instructor, Staff Platoon Commander, and Company Executive Officer.
In August 2010, Major Redman reported to the Expeditionary Warfare School in Quantico, Virginia and graduated in May 2011. Upon graduation, Major Redman executed orders to 3d LAAD Battalion and reported for duty in June 2011. From June 2011 until March 2012, Major Redman served as the 3d LAAD Battalion Logistics Officer. On 7 March 2012, Captain Redman assumed command of Battery B. On 9 March 2012, Major Redman reported to MCAS Yuma, Arizona as a student of Weapons Tactics Instructors (WTI) course 2- 12 which he successfully graduated from in May 2012. Upon returning from WTI 2-12, Major Redman resumed command of Battery B and led Battery B through numerous battery and battalion field exercises. In addition to these exercises, he successfully led Battery B through (2) Marine Air Control Group-38 field exercises (Lightning Sword 1-13 & Lightning Sword 2-13) and (4) 1st Marine Division field exercises (Fall Fire Ex-12, Steel Knight-13, Desert Fire Ex 1-13, & Desert Scimitar-13). Major Redman relinquished command of Battery B on 28 June 2013. In July 2013 Major Redman reported to Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC) where he worked until June 2016 as the Ground Based Air Defense (GBAD) Capabilities Integration Officer (CIO). During his time at MCCDC, Major Redman supported an Individual Augment (IA) billet to United States Central Command from January 2015 to July 2015 where he served as the Ground Operations Desk Watch Officer.
Major Redman's personal awards include the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with two gold stars in lieu of 3rd award, the Joint Service Achievement Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with two gold stars in lieu of 3rd award, the Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal with one bronze star in lieu of 2nd award, and the Combat Action Ribbon.
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