Get Involved

Interested in becoming a member of HEAT? See below for information on how to apply and get involved!
Member Requirements
As a prospective HEAT member, you must be able and willing to commit to the following:
- Attend a comprehensive department led peer health educator training
- Complete the NASPA CPE training
- Attend weekly peer education meetings
- Be willing to make a commitment to HEAT for at least 2 consecutive semesters
Benefits of Involvement:
As a member of HEAT, you will be able to:
- Develop professional skills including public speaking, program development, and networking
- Meet new people and become a part of a dynamic team
- Interact with and educate fellow students
- Gain deeper knowledge and insight into the wellness issues impacting college students
- Work closely with the staff of the Center for Student Well-Being and contribute to campus-wide efforts focusing on health, wellness, and safety.
- Expand your career-readiness skills
- HEAT offers both paid and volunteer positions
How to Apply
Application submissions for the 2024-2025 academic year are closed. Thank you for your interest!
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Kameron Jade Talley at kjtalley@usf.edu.