About Us
Employee Engagement Program
Feedback Form: Ideas, Requests, General
Are you interested in joining the team?
Do you want to help shape the future of OAS? We're looking for new members- apply here.
Use the Administrative Services employee feedback form for:
Idea Proposals - Do you have an idea or suggestion that will improve Administrative Services and/or USF? Let us know about it!
Technology/Equipment Requests - You can submit requests for technology or equipment to improve work processes or efficiency. The Employee Engagement Team will review your request and serve as your advocate.
Training Suggestions/Requests - Would you like to see training made available for Administrative Services employees that is not currently offered? Let us know! This could be training specific to a certain job role or more general skills training like business writing or computer skills.
General Feedback - We want to hear from you. Send us your feedback!
Click here to submit feedback online
Employee Engagement Team
The OAS Employee Engagement Team (EET) supports and advances our employee engagement program. The team is made up of employees passionate about making OAS a great place to work. Advised by the Director of Communication and Engagement, they interface directly with the Vice President and the Office of Administrative Services Leadership team to enact positive changes in the organization. The Employee Engagement Team is responsible for programs such as employee feedback, and employee appreciation/recognition events. Team members serve two year terms after being competitively selected from a pool of applicants.
Lincey Araya - Vehicle Maintenance Manager, Facilities Services
Connor Guenette - Postal Services Representative, Facilities Services
Jordan Richardson - Space Utilization Planner, Land Use & Planning
Ashley Morales - Special Events Assistant, University Police Department
To request a meeting with the Employee Engagement Team, ask questions, or just say hello send an email to OASEngagement@usf.edu.
The advisor to the Employee Engagement Team is Aaron Nichols, Director of Communication and Engagement - aaronnichols@usf.edu.