Graduate Forms
For the latest course schedules and locations, please check Student Self-Service (formerly Student OASIS).
For important forms from the Office of the Registrar including Final Exam Matrix, Audit form, and Late Registration Fee Waiver Form refer to the Registrar's form page.
PhD Forms
Defense Forms
Please email the Graduate Program Advisor for a template and instructions for scheduling your defense/presentation.
For important forms from the Office of Graduate Studies, including Thesis and Dissertation Certificate of Approval, Admission to Candidacy, and Course Transfer forms, refer to the Office of Graduate Studies forms page.
Major Research Area Paper and Future Research
Supervisory Committee
MS Forms
Important Notice
Seats in classes are limited, so students should not over-register for classes they do not plan to take. This unnecessarily takes seats away from other students. Students must finalize their schedules by the end of add/drop week.
Graduate students taking a minimum of nine (9) hours toward their degree in the fall or spring semester or taking a minimum of six (6) hours in the summer semester, will be classified as full-time students for academic purposes. CSE Graduate students may not take more than twelve (12) graduate hours per semester without approval from the College.
MS students in their first semester must only take courses from their major. MS students can request a permit to take ONE course from outside of their major but must wait until at least their second semester to do this.
MSCS Forms
- Independent Study/Thesis Contract
- MSCS Plan of Work: Thesis
- MSCS Plan of Work: Non-Thesis
- Graduation Checklist
MSCP Forms
- Independent Study/Thesis Contract
- MSCP Plan of Work: Thesis
- MSCP Plan of Work: Non-Thesis
- Graduation Checklist
MSIT Forms
Internship Forms
Please direct all queries regarding the Graduate Program to the Graduate Program Director.