

Urban tree canopy in Robles Park, located in Tampa, Fla. (Photo courtesy of Rebecca Zarger)

Interdisciplinary CAS team helps identify new urban tree canopy locations in Tampa

Dr. Shawn Landry and Dr. Rebecca Zarger are two USF College of Arts and Sciences faculty contributing to the City of Tampa’s tree canopy study. Landry and Zarger are tasked with identifying specific tree planting locations throughout the city and conducting outreach with residents in priority locations.

April 26, 2024Research

Department of Anthropology News banner

A professor worried no one would read an algae study. So she had it put to music

An anthropology professor at the University of South Florida recently published a paper she knew barely anyone would read. At least, not outside her field.

April 4, 2024Research

Red tide-related fish mortality off the coast of St. Petersburg, Fla. (Photo source: Adobe Stock)

Anthropology professor bridges gap in scientific communication through the integration of red tide research and music

Dr. Heather O'Leary leverages her expertise in anthropology and red tide research to bridge gaps in scientific communication through a new music-based initiative, CRESCENDO.

March 28, 2024Research

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As threats to Black cemeteries persist, a movement to preserve their sacred heritage gains strength

Neglect, abandonment and destruction have been the fate of thousands of segregated cemeteries across the country where African Americans – from former slaves to prominent politicians and business owners -- were buried over many decades.

March 14, 2024Research

15th St. Farm Nutrition Education Program participants. (Photo by Funmi Odumosu)

15th Street Farm cultivates community health through innovative Nutrition Education Program

The 15th St. Farm NEP helps improve nutritional knowledge through farm/nature-based nutrition education activities such as a "Young Farmers" program, cooking/tasting classes, storytelling, presentations, and hands-on garden activities.

February 23, 2024Research

AABGP team members Walter “Wally B.” Jennings (left) and Dr. Antoinette Jackson (right) accept the award on behalf of the team during the City of Tampa’s annual Black History Celebration. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Jackson)

The City of Tampa honors research efforts of the African American Burial Ground Project

Dr. Antoinette Jackson accepted an award from the City of Tampa on behalf of the African American Burial Ground Project for their research efforts helping to protect sacred burial sites throughout the Tampa Bay region.

February 22, 2024Research

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Their journey to unearth a cemetery for enslaved people led to community wide interest

Rachel Perić was pushing her stroller through her neighborhood in the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic when she noticed an older home with a log cabin on the property — something she hadn't noticed before.

February 9, 2024Research

Department of Anthropology News banner

Florida researcher testing bone fragments that could be Amelia Earhart's

Amelia Earhart's disappearance remains one of America's most mysterious, but a researcher at the University of South Florida is hoping to connect the dots and finally solve it.

October 17, 2019Research

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USF Researcher Kimmerle Laments 'Disappointing' End Of Pasco 'Body Farm'

In March, WUSF was the only media outlet invited to join students and agents from the FBI on a visit to a University of South Florida-run facility where researchers learn what happens to the dead when they're exposed to Florida's elements.

September 25, 2019Research

Ribbon cutting ceremony at community park

Brownfield Rehab and Redevelopment

University of South Florida (USF) Professor of Anthropology, Dr. Christian Wells, recently embarked on a large project funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through their Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Program to redevelop a local community park.

July 22, 2019Research

USF archaeology students work in the field

USF Archaeology Class Digs Up Florida’s Native American History

University of South Florida archaeologists are digging into one of Florida’s oldest native landmarks in hopes of unearthing insightful clues about the Tocobaga native people in Safety Harbor.

June 24, 2019Research

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USF Forensic Facility Teaches How Florida's Environment Affects Bodies

Since 2006, the University of South Florida has brought together FBI agents and students studying to become forensic investigators for a field training day.

April 17, 2019Research

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Department of Anthropology students, alumni, and faculty can submit news of accomplishments and events for our News section. We welcome announcements of publications, works presented, jobs procured, awards garnered, scholarships awarded, graduate school placements, and upcoming events.