MKM Poetry Library



Coming soon.


Dia De Los Muertos

Día de Los Muertos Celebration

November 1, 2023

Join us for a celebration of the dead during the month of October in the Michael Kuperman Memorial Poetry Library, CPR 301, where Professors Natalie Scenters-Zapico and José Ángel Maldonado will put together an altar for Día de los Muertos with photos of dead poets, symbolic offerings to them, and mementos.

Taylor Strickland

A Lecture & Reading with Poet and Translator Taylor Strickland

October 24, 2023

Taylor Strickland is a poet and translator from the US. He is the author of Commonplace Book, and Dastram / Delirium, a PBS Translation Choice. His work has appeared in New Statesman, Times Literary Supplement, Poetry Review, Poetry Northwest, and elsewhere. His poem ‘The Low Road’ was adapted by American composer, Andrew Kohn, and performed in Scotland. Along with filmmaker Olivia Booker and composer Fee Blumenthaler, he made the film poem Nine Whales, Tiree, which featured at Bloomsday, Chapel Hill, and Glasgow film festivals. He is a doctoral candidate in literary translation at the University of Glasgow, and he lives in Glasgow, Scotland, with his wife, Lauren.