News & Updates


Undergraduate Humanities Conference

Undergraduate Humanities Conference encourages professional and personal growth

Nearly 100 students participated in this year’s Undergraduate Humanities Conference, an event providing real-life experience for future academic, professional and personal challenges.

February 20, 2025Events

World-renowned poets visit the College of Arts and Sciences for poetry series

Celebrating the power of words: World-renowned poets visit the College of Arts and Sciences for poetry series

A new partnership between the USF Humanities Institute and the Michael Kuperman Memorial Library will welcome world-renowned poets to campus to bring students and the community together and empower audiences to pursue their craft.

January 29, 2025Events

Attendees at the Humanities Institute open house event enjoying breakfast in the newly renovated office space. (Photo by Corey Lepak)

The Humanities Institute celebrates its growth both in a newly renovated space and for the future

The Humanities Institute welcomed the USF community to its newly renovated space through an open house.

May 29, 2024Department News, Events

The Spoonbill Series October Recap

The Spoonbill Series October Recap

On October 16th, 2022, several USF Creative Writing MFA students read their work in front of a crowd of supportive listeners. Hosted at the Corner Club, USF MFA students and supporters alike met up on a lovely fall Friday and partook in the vulnerable yet thrilling experience of live readings.

November 3, 2022Events

USF’s 6x6 Reading Series a Virtual Success

USF’s 6x6 Reading Series a Virtual Success

In pre-pandemic times, the hallmark of USF’s 6x6 Reading Series was the bustling energy, coffee aroma, and voices of great writers filling Felicitous on 42nd. This year, 6x6 carried on the tradition remotely, hosting the event on Microsoft Teams.

March 19, 2021Events

6 Undergrad and Grad Students Hosted Bi-Annual Event

USF Students Host Celestial-Themed Reading

The USF English department hosted the Fall edition of their biannual 6x6 reading series at Felicitous Coffee and Tea on 42nd Street on Friday, October 19.

November 26, 2019Events

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

Annual MFA Event Took Place at USF’s Contemporary Art Museum

The creative writing department’s annual MFA graduation reading, Curtain Call, took place at USF’s Contemporary Art Museum. This year’s ten graduates read for a packed house of around 200 audience members.

April 12, 2019Events

USF’s Florida-themed literary magazine run by the Creative Writing Program’s MFA students

Saw Palm Celebrates Release of 13th Issue

The staff behind Saw Palm, USF’s Florida-themed literary magazine run by the Creative Writing Program’s MFA students, hosted a release party at Southern Brewing & Winemaking on Friday, March 1. This party celebrated the completion and release of the 13th issue of Saw Palm.

March 26, 2019Events

6x6 Event, featured six undergraduate and six graduate students

Vintage-Themed Reading Features USF English Students

The USF English Department hosted its spring 2019 installment of the 6x6 reading on Feb. 22 at Felicitous Coffee and Tea on 42nd Street. The reading featured six undergraduate and six graduate students who shared their creative writing of 1,000 words or fewer.

February 27, 2019Events

About Department News

Department of English students, alumni, and faculty can submit news of accomplishments and events for our News section. We welcome announcements of publications, works presented, jobs procured, awards garnered, scholarships awarded, graduate school placements, and upcoming events.