Graduate Student Resources


Applicants entering in the fall of even-numbered years are eligible to compete for the University Graduate Fellowship. This one-year, $10,000 fellowship is awarded biennially to one new student in either American Studies or any track of the Master of Liberal Arts. The award is made to the enrollee with the highest combined GRE score, provided the score is at least 1250.

The Graduate School at the University of South Florida offers a number of fellowships for graduate students, including: The Anne Winch Fellowship for mature students in pursuit of a graduate degree; the Delores Auzenne Fellowship for individuals who have been historically underrepresented in specific disciplines; the Graduate Student Success Diversity Fellowship for individuals who have been historically underrepresented in specific disciplines and who are first-generation, multi-lingual students who demonstrate financial need; the Pan American Fellowship for students who contribute to the diversity of USF graduate programs, are first generation, and demonstrate financial need; the SUS/USF Summer Program for students who contribute to the diversity of USF graduate programs; and the Kosove Graduate Fellowship for students who demonstrate high academic performance, service to the community, and have financial need.

For a complete list of USF Graduate School Fellowships, and for details on how to apply, please follow the link to the Graduate School's Fellowships and Scholarships page.