Christina Eldredge MD, PhD, FAMIA is an Associate Professor of Instruction in Health Informatics at the University of South Florida School of Information (iSchool) where she leads the growth of their Health Informatics (HI) program. Her long history of contributions to the field of health informatics led to her recent distinction as a Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association (FAMIA). In addition to her passion for health informatics education, Dr. Eldredge leads the iSchool Health Informatics Research Lab (iSHIRL) with Dr. Jim Andrews and is the faculty advisor for the Student Health Informatics Club at USF. Her research interests and published work involve the use of controlled terminologies to study adverse events in clinical care and clinical trials, especially hypersensitivity and anaphylaxis events, and metadata standards. To view her USF Faculty Honorees profile and to read more on Dr. Eldredge's accomplishments, please visit the USF Research & Innovation webpage.