Psych News

In the News

Tammy Allen and Claire Smith's team receives funding for a new Center for Innovation, Technology and Aging
[June 20, 2024]

Congratulations to Tammy Allen and Claire Smith whose team was selected to receive funding for a new Center for Innovation, Technology and Aging (CITA) under the Provost’s CREATE initiative! USF projects selected for new research program bring the potential to solve critical challenges Project Team: Yu Sun (PI), Engineering, COE; William E. Haley (Co-PI), Aging Studies, CBCS; Tammy D. Allen (Co-PI), Psychology, CAS; Hariom Yadav (Co-PI), Neurosurgery & Brain Repair; MCOM. Additional 21 Center members from six colleges (COE, CBCS, CAS, MCOM, CON, College of Education) Synopsis: By 2030, around 21% of the U.S. population will be over 65, surpassing the number of children for the first time in history (2019 U.S. Census Bureau). In Florida, a quarter of the population will be over 65, with the 85+ group expected to grow 177% to 18.5 million by 2050. This demographic shift has led to a caregiver shortage (both of professional care providers and family caregivers), contributing to a national crisis with potential consequences like unmet needs, poor care quality, and abuse. A team of 26 leading researchers from six colleges at USF will work together to establish a research Center focused on developing and evaluating innovative user-centered technologies to improve the quality of lives of older adults. The Center will build a strong partnership among the technology research labs, clinical and scientific research labs, home health agencies and long-term care facilities, and community-based healthcare organizations and will facilitate pilot studies leading to large federal grants and successful products and services to advance self-sustainability.

The Psychology Behind Awe-Inspiring Events Such as the Eclipse
[April 7, 2024]

Faculty members Jennifer Bosson and Jay MIchaels discuss the benefits of witnessing awe-inspiring events such as the eclipse. 

Ground-breaking Dementia Prevention Research
 [October 24, 2023]

Dr. Jennifer O'Brien is an Associate Professor of Psychology and principal investigator on the St. Petersburg campus. Her dementia prevention research was highlighted on multiple local news. Read more:

USF Advances dementia prevention research with NIH Award

USF receives $24 million for innovative dementia research

Can cognitive training exercises reduce the risk of dementia? USF researchers are looking to recruit volunteers for Active Mind study

Eye on Psi Chi article by Andrew Devendorf
[November 8, 2022]

Andrew Devendorf recently had a piece published in Eye on Psi Chi (the national Psi Chi newsletter) on the topic of psychologists disclosing their experiences with mental health problems.

Psychology major helps people calling 988
[October 24, 2022]

Psychology major Ariana Diaz works as a crisis counselor at the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, answering calls for people contacting 988, the national suicide prevention hotline.

USF Researchers Find That Many Mental Illness Recoveries Are Surprisingly Bright
[May 4. 2022]

Andrew Devendorf, Ruba Rum, and Jonathan Rottenberg are in the news for a national study of well-being after mental illness that was conducted in Canada. In one of the broadest assessments yet of well-being after mental illness, the USF team, led by Andrew Devendorf, USF doctoral candidate in clinical psychology, investigated how likely it is for someone to recover from mental illness and go on to experience high levels of purpose, positive emotions and healthy relationships. Their study, published in Clinical Psychological Science, reveals that long-term well-being was a realistic goal for some patients, despite stereotypes that imply that conditions such as depression and substance disorders are inevitably chronic, recurrent and incompatible with well-being.

"Cured" Panel Discussion for LGBTQ+ History Month
October 19, 2021]

Dr. Jennifer Bosson will sit on a panel discussion following the screening of the film "Cured," which documents the historic fight to have "homosexuality" removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Film and discussion take place on Tuesday, Oct. 26, from 6-8pm, in the MSC Oval Theater. For more information, and to register for a seat, please visit this link.

Psychology Major Josh "JB" Burnes earns prestigious 2021 Pat Tillman Scholarship
[June 30, 2021]

Army veteran Josh "JB" Burnes is one of only 60 scholarship winners and the only student in the state of Florida to be awarded a 2021 Pat Tillman Scholarship.

St. Petersburg campus psychology professor cited in New York Times article about drinking problems during the pandemic
[April 24, 2021]

An article published in the New York Times on drinking problems during the pandemic cites Dr. Lindsey Rodriguez, an Associate Professor of Psychology on the St. Petersburg campus. In the article, Dr. Rodriguez discusses findings from a study she conducted on the impact of COVID-19 on drinking patterns, which are published in the journal Addictive Behaviors.

Jennifer O'Brien talks about her Preventing Alzheimer's with Cognitive Training study
[April 23, 2021]

Dr. O'Brien appeared on a Tampa news station to discuss and seek participants for the NIH-funded study of whether cognitive training can help prevent Alzheimer's Disease. She and her collaborators need over 3000 volunteers over the age of 65 from the Tampa and Lakeland areas for this phase of the study.

Recent alumnus Jimmy Enobabor reports on his internship on mental health with the Carter Center
[March 8, 2021]

Jimmy Enobabor and a fellow intern share their experiences attending a mental health task force meeting in February.

Family Study Center receives $3.7 million federal grant to support vulnerable families
[January 21, 2021]

A collaborative team led by psychology professor James McHale, director of the Family Study Center on the USF St. Petersburg campus, has been awarded a $3.7 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to research and strengthen relationships between family members to create safe and supportive households.

Tammy Allen discusses her research on remote work during the pandemic
[December 25, 2020]

Tammy Allen discusses some of the results of her longitudinal study of employees doing remote work during the pandemic and offers predictions and recommendations.

Kamala Harris 'Nude' Google Searches After Debate Speak Volumes About Women in Politics
[October 8, 2020]

Jamie Goldenberg was interviewed by and quoted in a Newsweek article regarding the objectification of women in politics. 

To cope with pandemic stress, many women turned to alcohol, continuing a worrying trend
[October 1, 2020]

Dr. Lindsey Rodriguez was quoted in an NBC news article about the pandemic.

People with high cholesterol should eliminate carbs, not saturated fat, study suggests

Psychology Professor Receives Fulbright Award to Collaborate on Pediatric HIV Prevention and Treatment Research
Fear and Stress about COVID-19 is Related to More Drinking, Survey Finds

USF professor wins national grant to study coronavirus effect on telecommuting
Dr. Tammy Allen on Tampa Bay Business Journal.

Remote Work in the COVID-19 Era
Tammy Allen provides APS backgrounder on working remotely during COVID-19.

Judy Bryant offers advice to parents for helping their children deal with the Covid 19 situation
Judy Bryant offers advice to parents for helping their children deal with the Covid 19 situation.
Alumna Dr. Maria Brea-Spahn Wins Prestigious Faculty Award at NYU
In February, Dr. Maria Brea-Spahn received a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Faculty Award at NYU. Dr. Brea-Spahn is a Clinical Associate Professor and the Director of the Bilingual Extension Program in the Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders at NYU. The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding faculty who exemplify the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through teaching excellence, leadership, social justice activism, and community building. Dr. Brea-Spahn received her PhD from USF in 2009.
How 'They' Became The Word Of The Year
Jane is featured on University Beat today discussing her two decades of research on the use of “they” as a singular, gender-neutral pronoun.  
I spent half my life on antidepressants. Today, I’m off the medication and feel all right.
Jon Rottenberg is quoted in this WaPo article.

Why do people wind up back in jail? In Pasco, USF researchers try to find out
A recently-published study co-authored by Edelyn Verona and doctoral student Lauren Fournier (along with criminology professor Bryanna Fox) is described in today’s Tampa Bay Times.

The research explored risk factors for incarceration in inmates in Pasco County jails.