
2023 News

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

Mark T. Orr Scholarship Awarded to two SIGS Students

Elizaveta Kuzmina and Giovana Oliveira, two SIGS seniors, received the annual Mark T. Orr International Studies award.

September 26, 2023Honors and Awards

School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies Newsletter banner

SIGS Newsletter Fall 2023

We are excited to announce our new Master of Arts (MA) program in International Affairs, a professional program offering coursework in two tracks—Security & Diplomacy or Society & Development. Our newsletter also offers stories of student success at the undergraduate and graduate levels, shares some of the incredible achievements of our alumni, and profiles some of our impressive faculty.

August 31, 2023Newsletter

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

Dr. Kal Demerew Has Achieved Outstanding Success

Dr. Kal Demerew, a recent graduate from the School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies (SIGS), has achieved outstanding success during his time at our institution. Recently, he was honored with the Northcutt Award.

Honors and Awards

About Department News

School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies students, alumni, and faculty can submit news of accomplishments and events for our News section. We welcome announcements of publications, works presented, jobs procured, awards garnered, scholarships awarded, graduate school placements, and upcoming events.