
Language Placement Testing

Language Placement Tests are used to gauge the level of proficiency a student has achieved in another language. These tests offer an opportunity for students to demonstrate their foreign language proficiency and close out their Foreign Language Credit Requirement (depending on their major and test score). 

PLEASE READ: A placement test is NOT a course permit. After you take a language placement test, please submit ANOTHER permit request and include your test date and score.

Select a campus below for more information about scheduling an on-campus or virtual Language Placement Test.

Language(s) Offered: French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish

If you wish to take a placement test for a language that is not listed above, please read over the BYU Testing instructions down below.

USF St. Petersburg campus

Language Placement Testing on the USF St. Petersburg campus is currently issued online through the Debbie Nye Sembler Student Success Center


Placement Test fee: $25

Language(s) Offered: French, Spanish

Required Materials:

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Camera

  • Microphone

  • USF Student ID

  • A Second Photo ID
  • Debit or Credit Card (for the exam fee)


Please contact

USF Tampa & USF Sarasota-Manatee campus

Spring 2025

*Please note there will be no testing on days in which the University is closed for a holiday/break: January 20, March 17-23

On-Campus testing

In-person testing is available on the Tampa campus in Cooper Hall (CPR 419). Testing is offered on a walk-in basis, no appointment necessary. Please arrive an hour before testing ends to ensure that you have adequate time to complete the test.

*The last day of in-person testing for Spring 2025: Tuesday, May 6th

Spring 2025: in-person
Mondays Tuesdays
11:00am - 4:00pm 10:00am - 3:00pm

Virtual Testing

Virtual testing is by appointment only and proctors must be contacted using the link below to schedule an appointment. 

    • Write your full first and last name, USF email, and USF ID (U#).
    • Appointment changes are welcome 24 hours in advance ONLY.

New testing appointments are released weekly on testing days. Please check back on the scheduling page 1-3 business days later if there are no available testing appointments. All testing times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

*The last day of virtual testing for Spring 2025: Thursday, May 8th 

Spring 2025: virtual
Wednesday Thursdays
10:00am - 3:00pm 12:00pm - 3:00pm

Schedule an Appointment

*Please see down below for details on materials required for testing.

Materials Needed

Placement Test fee: $25

Language(s) Offered: French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish
*If you wish to take a placement test for a language that is not listed above, please read over the BYU Testing instructions.

Required Materials for On-Campus and Virtual Testing:

  • Photo ID (USF ID or Driver's License)
  • Debit or Credit Card (for the exam fee)

Additional Required Materials for Virtual Testing: 

  • Microsoft Teams
  • A laptop with a working camera
  • A laptop that can share screens
  • Microphone

Please make sure to use a computer, tablets will NOT work. Your computer must be able to screenshare and use a camera at the same time. We will not be able to proctor if you do not have the requirements needed for the test. 

***Testing dates/times are always subject to change***

For more information about placement testing, please contact Patricia Boyd or Bonnie Healan.


BYU Testing

If you are looking to take a language placement test for a language that is not one of the following: French, German, Italian, Russian, or Spanish, then you might be able to take a BYU test for the target language.

BYU Tests are offered by appointment ONLY. Please email Patricia Boyd for more information.