Plant Festivals
April 12th - 13th, 9am - 3pm
Open to members at 8:30am
- $7 Admission Presale before March 29th
- $10 Admission
- Free for Members & USF ID
- Children under 12 are free!
Spring Vendors
- 2 Grandma's Soul Food
- 3 Seasons Growers
- ABC Tropical Plant Nursery
- Begonia Society of Tampa Bay
- Boyce Nursery, LLC
- Critter Companions by Kenny Coogan
- Etling's Exotic Plants
- Garden Trails
- George Griepenburg
- Gulf Coast Bamboo and Gardens
- J&P Nursery
- Jessica's Lovely Garden
- Lutz Nutz
- MAD Plants
- Munchies Kettle Korn
- My Crazy Plant Life
- Oh 4 Succ's Sake LLC
- Pats Pottery
- Scully’s Cafe
- Tampa African Violet Society
- The Tampa Bay Rare Fruits Society
- Tampa Bay Sierra Club
- Wallace Nursery
- Willow Gardens
- Suncoast Chapter FNPS
And more to come!

USF Tampa Campus Parking Directory
This is the updated parking map for Spring 2025. The BullRunner will not be in service. Handicap parking will be available along USF Pine Dr. A Plant Pick-Up area will be located next to the admission tents. Please reach out to our staff via email for reasonable accommodations.