Graduate Humanities Symposium
Graduate Humanities Symposium
Friday, February 21, 2025
USF Marshall Student Center - 3rd floor - MSC 3705
4103 Cedar Circle, Tampa, FL 33620
You're invited to attend the USF Humanities Institute's first-ever Graduate Humanities Symposium. Over 40 USF graduate students will present humanities research papers in a panel format. Sit in on a panel to listen, learn, ask questions, network, and see what our graduate students are up to.
For our presenters: This symposium provides great experience for your C.V. or professional resume, as well as opportunities to network with other graduate students. There is no cost to participate in this symposium. Free breakfast and lunch is provided for presenters as well as a swag bag. Please attend as much of the symposium as your schedule allows.
2025 Graduate Humanities Symposium Schedule Overview
8:00am - 8:45am | Breakfast and Check-In (MSC 3705)
8:45am - 9:45am | Session I
- Exploring Identities Through Latine Literature (MSC 3705)
- Memory, Landscape, and Growth (MSC 3709)
10:00am - 11:00am | Session II
- Language and Identity (MSC 3705)
- Utopia, Dystopia, and Outsiders (MSC 3711)
11:15am - 12:15pm | Session III
- Screening Narratives: Media, Identity, and Cultural Representation (MSC 3711)
- Class and Power in the Premodern World (MSC 3709)
12:15pm - 1:00pm | Lunch (provided for presenters and moderators) MSC 3705
1:00pm - 2:00pm | Session IV
- Narratives Through New Media (MSC 3705)
- Gender and Other Tensions in Horror Genre Film (MSC 3709)
- Human Rights, Empathy, and Communication (MSC 3711)
2:15pm - 3:15pm | Session V
- Not at the Dinner Table: Religion, Politics, and Scholarship (MSC 3705)
- Out of Bounds: Morality and Gender Nonconformity (MSC 3709)
- Nonconformity: Living Outside the Boundaries (MSC 3711)
3:30pm - 4:30pm | Session VI
- Not Just Setting: The Role of Place in Creative Writing (MSC 3711)
Symposium Format

Panel Discussions are the traditional presentation method for most disciplines. A panel has a general topic (for example, “Gender Roles in the 19th Century") with 3 scholars, each of whom will present their individual work that falls under the general topic. Each individual presentation should be 12 – 15 minutes long. After all individual presentations, the group will take questions from the audience.
Frequently asked questions
What information do I need for my application?
When you're ready to apply, here's what we'll ask for in the application:
- Name and pronouns
- USF email
- Masters or PhD student
- Major / Program
- Title of project
- Do you plan to eat lunch at the conference and dietary restrictions?
- Student Scholar Biography (see "What goes into my biography?" for more details. ~100 words max./ 3-5 sentences)
- Abstract (PDF file upload)
- (200 words max.) This is where you submit a brief summary of your project or research. Even if your project is not complete yet, you can still submit a general overview for application purposes. Writing the abstract in future tense may help. Please include your name and project title in the abstract.
Does my project need to be complete at the time of application?
No. An abstract is sufficient for the application. Students are encouraged to apply with an existing project or research that may still be in progress.
What goes into my biography?
The biography is a few sentences that describes your academics interests, course of study, and future plans. Please write your biography in 3rd person and limit it to 3-5 sentences (less than 100 words).
Example: "Jane completed her bachelor's degree in English at the University of Central Florida and is now pursuing her PhD in English literature at USF. Her research focuses on copyright history and it's impacts on 19th century publishers. After graduation, Jane hopes to get a position as a tenured faculty member and start her own book club. Jane volunteers at her local community garden and grows her own peppers."
How long should my presentation be?
You should plan to speak for 12 – 15 minutes. If you go over 15 minutes, the moderator will kindly let you know your time is up.
Does anyone else read my research paper?
No. You are the only person who sees your paper. You can read directly from it, or bring notes to guide your oral presentation.
Do I need to have visual aids?
Visual aids like PowerPoints or images are completely optional. We will have the A/V capabilities if you want to make use of them.
Will there be food at the symposium?
Yes, presenters are provided free breakfast and lunch in MSC 3705.
Breakfast: bagels, bacon, turkey sausage, eggs, potatoes, coffee, tea
Lunch: Noodle bar (sauces, italian sausage, tofu), lemonade, cookies
What if I have a class scheduled during my presentation time?
If your presentation time conflicts with a class, you should inform your instructor right away to see if they can support you in this opportunity to present at the symposium. For further assistance or if you cannot present at your original scheduled time, please contact Liz Kicak.
I'm from the St. Petersburg or Sarasota-Manatee campus. Can I participate?
Yes! Graduate students from all campuses are invited to apply. If transportation is an obstacle to participating in the conference in-person on the Tampa campus, please contact Liz Kicak.
Are the presentations juried or judged?
No. This is a low-stakes symposium to practice presenting your research and prepare for future conferences.
I've never participated in a symposium before and I'm not sure if I should apply. How do I know if I'm ready?
You’re ready! The Humanities Institute staff is here to help you plan and prepare if you need help. The symposium is designed to be professional, but supportive and fun.