Community Advisory Council

Araseli Martinez-Peña, Ed.S.
Coordinator of Diversity, Equity &
Inclusion for Hillsborough County
Public Schools, she is also the CoFounder & Chief Executive Officer for
AIRE, a Latinx Education Equity &
Advocacy Firm.

Betilde Muñoz-Pogossian
Director of the Department of Social
Inclusion of the Secretariat for Access to
Rights and Equity at the Organization of
American States (OAS), she is responsible
for directing the work of the OAS in
matters of social inclusion and access to
human rights with special consideration to
populations in vulnerable situations.

Mercedes Soler
A member also of our very own
Community Advisory Council, advocate
Mercedes Soler has made enormous strides
in the development of radio broadcasting.
She fosters many initiatives each
contributing greatly to the education and
edification of the Latin community at
home and abroad.

César Hernández
Founder and CEO of Omni Public, Hernandez has found great success
as an innovation policy advisor, public affairs strategist, and government
relations, helping individuals / companies deploy new technologies,
concepts, and ideas into the marketplaceand engaging with government, media, and industry