Course Descriptions
Undergraduate Course Descriptions | Graduate Course Descriptions
Undergraduate Course Descriptions
ARC 2112L: Architectural Freehand Drawing Methods. 4 cREDIT hOURS
This course provides an introduction to basic freehand drawing with an emphasis on observational drawing, mapping, gesture, and drawing as a means of orientation. The student is introduced to a wide range of drawing methods, media and concepts.
ARC 2131C: Introduction to Architectural Design and Graphics. 4 CREDIT hOURS
An introduction to fundamental "critical thinking" and graphic communication skills in architecture.
ARC 2135C: Introduction to Architectural Design & Graphics II. 3 CREDIT HOURS
This course explores fundamental issues of space-making and perception of space, scale and habitation. In addition, this course builds on the skills and knowledge developed in the first introductory course through analysis and interpretation of specific works.
ARC 2180: Introduction to Digital Architecture. 3 CREDIT HOURS
The Introduction to Digital Architecture course introduces students to various software utilized by Architects in the field such as, AutoCAD, Sketch-up, StudioMax, Photoshop, etc.
ARC 2211: Introduction to Architecture. 3 cREDIT HOURS
An introduction to the analysis and interpretation of the architecture and urban design of various cultures.
ARC 2701: Architectural History I. 3 cREDIT HOURS
Overview of the built environment from prehistory through the Middle Ages. Buildings and cities in their geographical, topographical, political, aesthetic, social, technological and economic context.
ARC 2702: Architectural History II. 3 CREDIT HOURS
Overview of the built environment from the Middle Ages to the present. Buildings and cities in their geographical, topographical, political, aesthetic, social, technological and economic context.
ARC 2931: Selected Topics 1-3 CREDIT HOURS
Selected topics will include architectural diagramming, freehand drawing, model making, photography, and computer graphics. Courses are intended for non-majors and are repeatable.
ARC 4376: Architecture for Real Estate & Development. 3 CREDIT HOURS
The course introduces the basic processes necessary for large scale projects and developments. Numerous professions are explained from varying points of view to allow participants to better understand how buildings get built and land developed.
ARC 4784: The City. 3 CREDIT HOURS
This course examines the history of the city, as both idea and reality, with a particular focus on Western cities and the 20th century. The course is open to undergraduates and students in the Graduate Architecture Program.
ARC 4884: Sustainable Neighborhood Development. 3 CREDIT HOURS
This course will focus on understanding and evaluating sustainable neighborhood development strategies, using multiple concepts, practices and approaches.
ARC 4931: Selected Topics in Architecture and Community Design. 1-3 CREDIT HOURS
Variable topics will be offered for pre-professional studies for students in the Liberal Studies Major/ALA Degree Program and as electives for other undergraduates.
Graduate Course Descriptions
ARC 5256: Design Theory. 3 CREDIT HOURS
Survey of major schools of thought in design theory, methods of design and problem-solving, and design research. The nature of the design activity and its recurring difficulties. The nature and different types of problems. Traditional approaches to problem-solving and design in architecture; recent systematic as well as intuitive approaches to problem-solving based on developments in other fields. Scientific method; the systems approach and design.
ARC 5361: Core Design I. 9 CREDIT HOURS
First of two-semester Design Fundamentals/Design Graphics sequence focusing on design abstractions and analysis of the factors influencing conceptual design. Emphasis is placed on ordering principles, pattern recognition and utilization, and figure-ground relationships. Development of craftsmanship, drawing as a means to design, and perceptual acuity are stressed.
ARC 5362: Core Design II. 9 CREDIT HOURS
PR: 5361. Second of a two-semester Design Fundamentals/Design Graphics sequence focusing on synthesis of design concepts and application of ordering principles in architectural design. Emphasis is placed on developing an understanding and awareness of architectural elements and compositions. Students examine the work of significant architects and use it as a basis for design exploration. Graphic documentation, diagramming, and model studies are stressed.
ARC 5363: Core Design III. 6 CREDIT HOURS
PR: ARC 5362 and ARC 5467 and ARC 5587 and ARC 5731. CR: ARC 5689. Study of the various phases of the building delivery and design process, and of different approaches to ordering that process in a systematic fashion. The student will use one such systematic approach in the investigation and development of design solutions for a project of moderate scale and complexity. Studies of built form ordering principles, mass/void relationships, scale and proportion, color, texture, contextual relationships, meaning/imagery, and building technology (awareness of structural organization, services networks, construction processes and materials). Aspects of human behavior as design determinants.
ARC 5364: Advanced Design A. 6 CREDIT HOURS
PR; ARC 5363. CPR: ARC 5467. Application of orderly design processes to building projects of moderate complexity and scale. Continued investigation of the relationship between human behavior and the environment. Analysis and integration of site relationships into the development of design solutions. Legal aspects of zoning, building codes, and regulations regarding accessibility, fire egress, etc.
ARC 5365: Advanced Design/Comprehensive. 6 CREDIT HOURS
PR: ARC 5363. Investigation of the interaction between user requirements, environmental determinants, site and urban context conditions, technological factors, and design intentions in the development of design solutions for projects of medium scale and complexity. The analysis, design, and coordination of the various resulting systems, including structural, circulation, service networks, space zoning and use, environmental control systems at the interface between interior and exterior of a building. Representation of these relationships and systems in diagrams and models, and their manifestation in design and construction details.
ARC 5366: Advanced Design/Urban Design Studio. 6 CREDIT HOURS
PR: ARC 5363. Design of medium to large scale, complex buildings. Issues of context/urbanism related to designe of buildings. Design of integrated building systems: structure, skin, program, etc. Development of program of uses - both quantitative and qualitative.
ARC 5467: Materials and Methods of Construction. 3 CREDIT HOURS
PR: ARC 5470. Overview of properties of primary construction materials and systems that make up building structures and enclosures. Emphasis on elements and assemblies relative to various climates, technologies, costs, building codes, and craftsmanship.
ARC 5470: Introduction to Technology. 3 CREDIT HOURS
Introduction to architectural technology, including structures, materials and methods of construction, and environmental controls. Overview of building systems and components and their integration into architectural design projects.
ARC 5587: Structures I. 3 CREDIT HOURS
PR: Calculus and Physics and Arc 5470. Review of static and mechanical principles of materials. Analysis and evaluation for appropriate selection of structural systems and elements. Analysis and design of timber and steel structures, based on moment, shear, and deflection. Fundamentals of wind and seismic design as they apply to wood and steel construction. Truss analysis, beam and column behavior.
ARC 5588: Structures II. 3 CREDIT HOURS
PR: ARC 5587. Introduction to the concepts and theories of structural analysis and design of reinforced concrete systems and elements, including practical application in building construction. Pre-stressing, post-tensioning, hybrid assemblies. Fundamentals of wind and seismic design. Formwork, placement, and assembly techniques.
ARC 5689: Environmental Technology. 3 CREDIT HOURS
PR: ARC 5467 and ARC 5470. Comprehensive overview of mechanical systems for buildings including: water and waste: fire protection and suppression; heating, cooling and controls; electric power distribution and illumination; communications; transportation systems, and acoustics.
ARC 5731: Architectural History I
Overview of the built environment from prehistory through the Middle Ages. Buildings and cities in their geographical, topographical, political, aesthetic, social, technological and economic context. Varieties of methodological approaches to the analysis of historical architecture. The focus will be on the built environment of Europe and the Mediterranean basin.
ARC 5732: Architectural History II. 3 CREDIT HOURS
Overview of the built environment from the Renaissance to the present. Buildings and cities in their geographical, topographical, political, aesthetic, social, technological, and economic context. Study of various methodological approaches to the analysis of historic architecture, and development of student's own approach. Emphasis will be on the built environment of Europe and America.
ARC 5931: Special Studies in Architecture. 1-5 CREDIT HOURS
Variable titles offered on topics of special interest.
ARC 6287: Professional Practice I. 3 CREDIT HOURS
PR: ARC 5364. Introduction and overview of professional practice, emphasizing business, organization, management, and marketing. Legal, economic, and ethical aspects of project procurement, design services, and delivery. Contracts, owner-contractor-architect roles, and responsibilities.
ARC 6288: Professional Practice II. 3 CREDIT HOURS
PR: 6287. Continued overview of professional practice, emphasizing legal, economic, and ethical aspects of practice. Project planning, funding, administration, risk management, and performance. Topics include: estimating, financing, life-cycle cost analysis, information resources, and management.
ARC 6367: Advanced Design/open studio. 6 CREDIT HOURS
PR: ARC 5363. Open ended, topical, speculative studio engaged in critical thought, design process and architectural theory, depending on the specific faculty.
ARC 6372: The Neighborhood. 3 CREDIT HOURS
Introduces students to the range of urban and suburban neighborhood typologies. We will discuss the purpose of the neighborhood as a physical and social construct, the history of neighborhoods, and the meaning of the neighborhood in present.
ARC 6377: The city. 3 CREDIT HOURS
This course studies the complex relationships between urban form, how citites are organized, and patterns in their design. The topics surrounding these relationships are centered on the built environment and how design is used as a tool for physical and social change.
ARC 6398: Introduction to Community and Urban Design. 3 CREDIT HOURS
Introduce community and urban design as an academic discipline and professional practice that incorporates architecture, planning, landscape architecture, real estate development, and engineering. Major topics include urban form, function, and perception.
ARC 6481: Design Development 3 Credit Hours
PR: ARC 5689 and ARC 5364. The summary course of the building technology sequence in which construction, structural and environmental technologies are integrated within an architectural design project. Emphasis is placed on poetic and technical aspects of building systems.
ARC 6930: Special Topics in Urban and Community Design. 1-6 Credit Hours
Special topics related to urban and community design and planning issues.
ARC 6936: Research Methods in Architecture. 2 CREDIT HOURS
PR: ARC 6398 and ARC 5365 and ARC 6481. A seminar course with the primary purpose of providing tools to conduct the independent research necessary for the two-semester, independent Master's Thesis requirement
ARC 6974: Master's Project Planning. 2 CREDIT HOURS
PR: Completed any three of ARC 5364, ARC 5365, 5366, including at least one ARC 5366. This course prepares students for their master's project by exploring potential topics. Introduces concepts of architectural facility programming, methods of gathering, organization, analysis/evaluation of information needed for the project. Students study the process of writing proposals that clearly communicate the task, goals, and objectives, proposed approach and procedure, and the expected outcome.
ARC 6976: Terminal Master's Project. 5 CREDIT HOURS
PR: ARC 6936. Students will independently investigate an architectural topic of personal interest. The requirements include the submission of a research and design document and the preparation of juried presentation of the work.
Please email Architecture Advising if you have with any questions.