Sang-Hie Lee
Professor of Music
Certificate Studies (piano/Piano Pedagogy)
Phone: (813) 974-2311

Dr. Sang-Hie Lee has served as the Associate Dean of the College of Design, Art & Performance (1995-1998), PI & Executive Director of AmeriCorps Arts USF (1997-2000), and is currently the Director of USF-Performing Arts Medicine Collaborative (2009-present). She is active as a teacher, pianist, researcher, author, and administrator. She has degrees from Ewha Womans University, American Conservatory of Music, The University of Georgia, and the University of Michigan.
As the founder of Ars Nostra, she performs piano duo music commissioned by renowned contemporary composers: her music is featured in Ravello, Centaur, Capstone, Navona, and Albany labels. Lee is the author and editor of Scholarly Research in Music: Shared and Discipline-Specific Practices (Second and Expanded Edition, Routledge, May 2022), principal author of Scholarly Research for Musicians (Routledge 2017), the primary Editor of Perspectives in Performing Arts Medicine: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Springer 2020), and has served as the founding Editor of the Cultural Expressions in Music Monographs Series (College Music Society 2008-2014).
Dr. Lee’s research has focused on musicians’ physical-mental health, pianists' hand biomechanics, prevention and retraining of pianists with focal dystonia, contemporary piano duo music, piano technique, music faculty vitality and organizational conditions, and music leadership in higher education. She has published 75 scholarly articles, presented 86 conference papers and lectures, and performed solo and chamber-music concerts in the USA, South Korea, China, Serbia, Brazil, Italy, and Canada.
Dr. Lee’s papers are published in Medical Problems of Performing Artists, European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Psychomusicology, Médicine des Arts, the American Music Teacher, Piano Bulletin of European Piano Teachers Association, Australian Journal of Music Education, The College Music Symposium, the International Society for Music Education Conference Proceedings, and Music Teachers National Association session tape. She also published reviews and abstracts in Psychology of Music, The Piano Quarterly, the Bulletin of the Council of Research in Music Education, Conference on Piano Pedagogy Proceedings, and Music Educators National Conference proceedings. Her research is introduced in the inaugurating MENC Handbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning, Music, Motor Control and the Brain, the Pianist’s Reference Guide, Pianographie, the Piano Quarterly, and the Journal of the American Liszt Society.
Professional Activities
Book Published
Compact Disc Published
Ars Nostra: Aber Jetzt Die Nacht (2016). Piano Duo, Sang-Hie Lee with Martha Thomas. PARMA Recordings Ravello Label. Released October 14, 2016.
Ars Nostra: Persona (2014). Sang-Hie Lee with Youmee Kim, Robert McCormich, Beran Harp, and John Corina. Centaur Records, Inc.
Ars Nostra presents Pianists Sang-Hie Lee and Martha Thomas in a piano duo concert featuring commissioned works by Gerald Chenoweth, Paul Reller, and Eun-Hye Park, Daniel Perlongo, and Lewis Nielson, at USF Concert Hall, March 20, 7:30 PM, 2016.
Lee, Sang-Hie and Martha Thomas in a piano duo concert featuring commissioned works by Gerald Chenoweth, Paul Reller, and Eun-Hye Park, Daniel Perlongo, and Lewis Nielson, at Ramsey Recital Hall, the University of Georgia Performing Arts Center, March 30, 7:30 PM, 2016.
Radio Broadcasting (International)
February 23 at 9:22am, Diane Jones On The Air
October 2016, Radio Horizon 93.9 FM stereo Playlist October 2016
KNTU Airplay October 18, 2016 Reller: Ravello 7945 18 minutes
July 24, 2016. Croatian national radio station: EMITIRA SE: 24.07.2017 23:30
Tuesday, 21 January, 2014 PROGRAMDAYC 7:00 PM
Max Lifchitz: Piano Silhouettes (2012)
North/South NS 1058 Sang-Hie Lee, piano
Radio ArtsIndonesia
Contemporary Music Listings
Conference Director
Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA) Southeast Regional Meeting, CAMILS, University of South Florida. June 1-3, 2018.
USF-Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA)-The Music Gallery 'Free to Play' Piano Pedagogy Symposium, USF School of Music, June 3-5, 2018.
Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA) Southeast Regional Meeting, School of Music, February 28-March 1, 2015.
Second USF-PAMA-The Music Gallery 'Free to Play' Piano Pedagogy Symposium, USF School of Music, .October 15-17, 2015.
Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA) Southeast Regional Meeting, CAMILS, University of South Florida. March 7-9, 2014.
USF-Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA)-The Music Gallery 'Free to Play' Piano Pedagogy Symposium, USF School of Music, October17-18, 2014.
Sang-Hie Lee with Jonathan McNaughtan, PhD. “Academic Leadership in Music: Faculty Perspective. The 42nd ASHE Annual Meeting. Marriott Marquis Houston, TX. November 8-11, 2017.
Sang-Hie Lee with Juan Sanchez-Ramos, MD, PhD, Ryan Murtaugh, MD, MBA, Tuan Vu, MD, and Dustin Hardwick, DPT, PhD. “What Have We Learned in the Rehabilitation Process in a Case Study of a Skilled Pianists with Focal Dystonia?” International Society for Performance Science, 2017. Reykjavik, Iceland. August 30-September 2.
Sang-Hie Lee with Juan Sanchez-Ramos MD, PhD, and Dustin Hardwick, PhD.“Multimodal Examination of a Professional Pianist with Focal Dystonia.” Oxford Round Table: 12th Annual International Conference on Health, Aging, and Nutrition. Harris Manchester College at the Oxford University, Oxford, England. July 27-30, 2016.
Keynote: Sang-Hie Lee. “Pianists' Hand, Touch, Tone, Heritage and Science.” Video presentation at the Polish National Piano Pedagogy Conference hosted by Polish National Center of Education for Art School Teachers and Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, Poland. March 4, 2016.
Sang-Hie Lee with Angel Luciano and Stephanie Carey. “Pianists' Hand Biomechanics: Heritage and New Knowledge.” European Piano Teachers Association (EPTA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. October 22-25, 2015.
Sang-Hie Lee with Angel Luciano and Stephanie Carey. “Pianists' Hand Biomechanics: Heritage and New Knowledge.” International Symposium on Performance Science (ISPS) Kyoto, Japan. September 2-5, 2015.
Sang-Hie Lee with Dustin Hardwick and Juan Sanchez-Ramos. “Using Multiple Modalities to Examine a Professional Pianist with Focal Dystonia.” International Symposium on Performance Science (ISPS) Kyoto, Japan. September 2-5, 2015.
Sang-Hie Lee with Angel Luciano and Stephanie Carey. “Pianists' Hand Biomechanics:
Heritage and New Knowledge.” 21st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics
(ESB). Prague, Czech Republic. July 5-8, 2015.
Sang-Hie Lee with Angel Luciano and Stephanie Carey. “Pianists' Hand Biomechanics:
Heritage and New Knowledge.” 33rd Annual Symposium on Medical Problems of Performing Artists, Snowmass, Colorado. July 8-12, 2015.
Dustin Hardwick, Sang-Hie Lee and Juan Sanchez-Ramos. “Using Multiple Modalities to Examine a Professional Pianist with Focal Dystonia.” 33rd Annual Symposium on Medical Problems of Performing Artists, Snowmass, Colorado. July 8-12, 2015.
Sang-Hie Lee with Angel Luciano and Stephanie Carey. “Pianists' Hand Biomechanics: Heritage and New Knowledge.” 9th Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM). Berlin, Germany. June 19-23, 2015
Sang-Hie Lee with Dustin Hardwick and Juan Sanchez-Ramos. “Using Multiple Modalities to Examine a Professional Pianist with Focal Dystonia.” 9th Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM). Berlin, Germany. June 19-23, 2015.
Sang-Hie Lee with Dustin Hardwick and Juan Sanchez-Ramos. “Using Multiple Modalities to Examine a Professional Pianist with Focal Dystonia.” Toronto PAMA Regional Conference, Glenn Gould School of Royal Conservatory, Toronto, Canada. March 7-8, 2015.
Dustin Hardwick with Sang-Hie Lee and Juan Sanchez Ramos. “Using Multiple Modalities
to Examine Professional Pianist with Focal Dystonia.” USF-PAMA Conference, Tampa,
Fl. February 27-March 1, 2015.
Sang-Hie Lee. “Ars Nostra performs Korean Folk Song in Piano Music of Michael Timpson,
Chan Hae Lee, and Max Lifchitz. EPTA European Conference in Oslo. Hosted by EPTA-Norway,
Norwegian Academy of Music. Conference Theme: Folk Music’s Influence on Art Music
from 1814 to 2014 - Trends in Practice and Performance. June 26th-29th 2014.
Sang-Hie Lee. "Hand Biomechanics of Skilled Pianists and Preventive and Rehabilitative
Strategy for Pain and Injury." American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine. 29th
Annual Clinical Conference. Westin Tampa Harbour Island Hotel, Tampa, Florida. March
19-22, 2014.
Example Publications
College Music Society Newsletter, May 2011 (pages 3, 7-8)
Medical Problems of Performing Artists, December 2010
International Society for Music Education Conference Proceedings 2006
Music Faculty at Work in the Academy: Job Crafting
Music Faculty Role and Organizational Commitment
Hand Biomechanics in Skilled Pianists Playing a Scale in Thirds
A Community Arts Program for Underserved Children: Getting Things Done and Member Development
An integrative intervention program for college musicians and kinematics in cello playing
A Case Report: Using Multimodalities to Examine a Professional Pianist with Focal Dystonia
Understanding the Work and Perspectives of Music Faculty through Positive Leadership
Example Performances
Herman Schroeder: Sonata for Oboe and Piano
Performers: Sang-Hie Lee and John Corina
Michael Timpson: Chosen Words
Performers: Sang-Hie Lee, Theresa Andrasy, Kim McCormick
Performers: Sang-Hie Lee and Elizabeth Panzer
Example Teaching
Techniques of Research in Music and Music Education (online & on campus)
This is an innovative course for graduate music students to gain research tools and various methodologies that are common to all sub fields of music. The student selects his or her own research topic and works through the process in a collaborative environment.
Music and Medicine
This course explores physical, mental, and psychological aspects of performing arts within the social context. The course focuses on integration of the body, mind, and emotion in music learning and performing; causes, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of music-related injury; and effective management of performance anxiety. Students discuss pragmatic, hands-on issues related to musician's health based on the current scientific knowledge. Students explore opportunities to make meaningful contributions to society. Eminent researcher/physician guests lecture in this class.
Music in Your Life (online)
This course covers the development, concepts, elements, traditions, styles, forms, representative composers, their works, and performance practices of the Western art music, which in turn provide tools to analyze and understand the elements of non-Western music as well as contemporary American classical and popular music. Students in this course will develop skills to analyze and interpret musics of all cultures, and to articulate intelligently and substantively their experiences and opportunities of incorporating music in their life. This online course is a serious music course for general students.
Fit to Play: Mind-Body Integration for Musicians
The purposes of this course are:
- to impart research-based physical ad mental fitness factors that are essential in preparing a life and career of a performing musician/teacher; and
- to provide a program of exercises to improve physical and musical fitness for college musicians that are designed specifically for the performing musician.
- to examine if the physical and mental program is effective in changing posture, muscle strength and flexibility, musical efficacy, mental preparation for rehearsal, improvisation, and performance.
Course Objectives:
- Students will learn about mind-body fitness issues necessary in music study and career.
- Students will participate in a musician-tailored fitness program.
- Students will participate in a study that is designed to examine the benefits of the program.
- Students will develop a lifelong habit of musical-physical-mental fitness.
- Students will develop skills to teach healthy and fit music practice to others.