University of South Florida

School of Music

USF College of Design, Art & Performance

Tina DiMeglio

Associate Director of Bands, director of admissions

Phone: (813) 974-3975
Office: MUS 304


Tina DiMeglio is the Associate Director of Bands and Director of Admissions for the School of Music at USF. She conducts the Symphonic Band and teaches Basic Conducting, Advanced Conducting, and Wind Techniques courses. She has served as the Music Director of the Tampa Brass Band since 2021, and often works as a clinician and guest conductor for local band programs and honor bands around the nation. In 2023, she was initiated as a National Arts Associate by the Delta Chi Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota and as an honorary member of the Iota Chi chapter of Tau Beta Sigma.

Recently, Dr. DiMeglio conducted the U.S. Army Band “Pershing’s Own” in the nation’s capital as a guest conductor and conducting workshop participant. She won first prize at the Inaugural Frederick Fennell International Conducting Competition, held in Modica, Italy in November 2021. She was a Conducting Fellow in the 2019 Midwest Clinic Reynolds Conducting Institute, and was also a recipient of the 2019 CBDNA Mike Moss Diversity Conducting Fellowship Study Grant. She actively works toward increased diversity and inclusion in the wind band medium, collaborating with composers and artists from historically marginalized communities and mentoring conductors of all genders, and will be presenting at the 2023 Midwest Clinic and 2024 Florida Music Educators Association conference.

DiMeglio earned a Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.) degree from the University of Miami, where she studied Instrumental Conducting with Dr. Robert Carnochan. She holds a Master of Music Degree in Wind Conducting from West Chester University, where she studied with Dr. Andrew Yozviak, and a bachelor’s degree in music education, clarinet concentration, from Temple University’s Boyer College of Music where she studied clarinet with Paul Demers of the Philadelphia Orchestra and graduated Magna Cum Laude as a member of the academic honors program.

A native of the Philadelphia area, Dr. DiMeglio was a high school band director from 2011 - 2018. She maintains a private lesson studio and performs professionally as a conductor, clinician, and clarinetist. When not teaching or performing, she enjoys spending time with her husband Jonathan and their many rescue animals.