Doing Business with USF

Getting Started

Interested in doing business with USF for the first time or expanding business to other areas? Start here! 

1. Understand Purchasing At USF  

USF operates on a semi-centralized purchasing model.  In most instances, individual departments determine their specific needs and communicate with suppliers to engage them in a wide variety of commodities and services.  In select instances where it is impactful to do so for large spend commodities, USF Procurement sources and awards contracts centrally.

Procurement & Payment Services (PPS) supports the departmental sourcing efforts described above and ensures compliance with all applicable laws and policies. 

USF | SSC Partnership

USF has entered a strategic partnership with SSC Services for Education whereby SSC will source and manage contracts for facilities maintenance and operations on behalf of USF including, but not limited to, janitorial, landscaping, and minor construction services. 
In general, there are two ways to do business with USF:
Competitive Bid (Public Solicitation Events) Competitive Quote
Purchases ≥ $150, 000, which are not classified under an exemption or single source by Florida Statutes, must be bid competitively and publicly. 
This is done through a formal ITN or ITB process. USF also has the ability to "piggyback" on other publicy agency contracts which have been competitively bid.  For specific information on the competitive bid process visit our Opportunities Page
Purchases < $150,000 are required to have up to three (3) competitive quotes, depending on the total cost of purchase, before a purchase is approved. 
When a quote is accepted, or bid awarded the next step may be:
PCard Payment Small dollar purchases may be made through phone or web with PCard.
PO Issuance POs are typically issued for purchases which exceed PCard limits, are complex in nature, or have long engagements.  Invoices related to PO's are paid through Accounts Payable.  
Contract Execution Contracts are executed when you (the supplier) requests a signature, or if the term spans multiple years or has inherent risk or complexity associated.  Once a contract is executed, the department may use PCard to pay for goods or services as they are delivered, or issue a PO. 

2. Register as a supplier

Suppliers are encouraged to register with USF if you are interested in doing business with us.  The registration process allows you to setup a Supplier Profile, which is searchable by USF Buyers who want to connect with you.  A Supplier Profile is also required to receive payment from Accounts Payable, or to participate in Competitive Bids. 

3. develop your business

USF Supplier Development and Engagement provides mentorship programs to support the growth of small businesses, and can help suppliers gain certification as a diverse supplier.

4. Find Opportunities

  • Speak with a Strategic Category Manager.
    Our team of Strategic Category Manager can work with you to identify areas of need across the USF community and can facilitate introductions. Additionally, they can work with you to answer questions related to purchasing and spend at USF.
  • Consider competing for public contracts with the State of Florida
    USF routinely makes use of existing supplier contracts with the State of Florida. For information on current State of Florida opportunities please visit the Florida Department of Management Services site.


5. Understand our Code of Ethics. 

USF Policy 0-027 Florida Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees
USF Regulation 4.02000 Purchasing - Statement of Intent

To meet the University of South Florida's mission, Procurement Services provides management, oversight to acquire quality commodities and contractual services while promoting fair and open competition in the public procurement process. Responsible Purchasing officials shall be protected from improper pressures of external political or business interests. The process shall reduce the appearance and opportunity for favoritism, ensure contracts are awarded equitably and economically, and establish effective management oversight in the acquisition of commodities and contractual services to preserve the integrity of public purchasing and contracting. 

USF Regulation 4.02010(IV)(B) Purchasing - Standards of Conduct

It is a breach of ethical standards for any employee of the University of South Florida to accept, solicit, or agree to accept a gratuity of any kind, form, or type in connection with any contract for commodities or services.  It is also a breach of ethical standards for any potential contractor to offer an employee of USF a gratuity of any kind, form, or type to influence the development of a contract or potential contract for commodities or service. 

EthicsPoint Hotline 

USF has engaged EthicsPoint—a third party hosted hotline—to enable the safe, secure, and anonymous reporting of activities which may involve misconduct, fraud, abuse, and other violations of USF policies. We encourage our Suppliers to help USF to provide a safe, secure and ethical place of business by reporting violations directly. Information on filing a report and reporting categories can be found by visiting the EthicsPoint Hotline link. 

6. Understand our Terms and Conditions

All USF Purchase Orders have standard Terms and Conditions. In instances where USF has an executed contract with a supplier, the the terms and conditions of that contract will apply.

7. Payment

Please visit our Invoicing & Payment page for more information. 

8. Tax Exemption

USF is a tax exempt organization in the State of Florida.  You can access our current tax exemption certificate HERE