Employer Engagement & Recruiting
Hire our Talent! Let’s get started.
A company’s biggest asset is their talent. We partner with businesses early on in a student’s academic career. All USF Muma College of Business undergrads begin their professional development freshman year elevating their skillset throughout a four-year certification program.
Our top-tier talent put in the work to develop the skills that employers are looking for. We connect those students to employers like you.
Internship 101
- Occurs in the Fall/Spring Semesters (3 months), or Summer (10 weeks). Depending on your hiring needs, interns can start in the middle of a semester and continue onto the next.
- Located at employer’s commercial location or remote
- Establish daily communications with interns and monitor weekly progress
- Compensation: $13 - $26 per hour
- Typical internships are 10 - 20 hours per week
- Employer provides a supervisor/mentor for intern
Steps to hire an intern
- Create an internship job description
- Send internship description for review
- Post on Handshake
- Host a Bellini career event and direct promote your internship to students
- Students apply and interview with you
The Intern Impact
- Innovation and Perspective: Utilize the latest technology skills. Interns learn easily, have up to date knowledge
on skills needed in your projects
- Creativity: Provide your workplace with new ideas and innovative solutions. Interns use creativity
to provide you with different perspective, especially if you are targeting clients
in their generation
- Brand Awareness and Reputation: Bring knowledge about your company to campus and increase your brand recognition.
Student brand ambassadors are helpful to share job information, culture and people
trends, and connect with students on campus.
- Talent Pipeline: Properly trained and mentored interns are your best transition into the full time workforce. Companies save time and financial resources by investing into interns.