Participant Testimonials
Our goal in the Lab is to make every participant feel welcome during each of their
lab visits. The research participants become like family to the staff during the course
of the studies. Below are some testimonials from recent research participants.

"USF staff are completely professional and knowledgeable of audiology. I felt confident
I was getting the best care available in Tampa." – HBM Study Participant

"This study has presented us with a new lease on the hearing aspect of our life. We
had no idea the extent of loss we had experienced until we came to USF. The staff
is warm, compassionate, and highly qualified to conduct this study. The have made
this a positive and most rewarding experience. We are most grateful to them and USF
for returning our ability to hear clearly and most of all, comfortably while being
surrounded by such warm professionals." – ACHIEVE study participants
"With a history of hearing loss, I was excited to participate in the CLARITY study.
I was always treated with respect, courtesy, and kindness. Thank you!" – CLARITY participant
"I hope that my participation in the Achieve-F Clinical Trial has been helpful to
researchers and may be of value to seniors with age-related hearing loss." – ACHIEVE participant
"The Achieve-F program has certainly been an outstanding and life-changing boon to
me personally. The degradation of my hearing was gradual, and I was only dimly aware
of that loss. In consequence, I had never seriously considered hearing aids." – ACHIEVE participant
"Through this clinical trial, I benefited from the very best in professional expertise,
diagnostic equipment, and hearing assistive devices. As a result, hearing aids have
become a normal and necessary part of my daily life, restoring the sounds and experiences
which had been lost over time." – ACHIVE participant
"Many thanks to USF for this opportunity and especially to Courtney Matthews!" – ACHIEVE participant