
Study Flyers

Discourse Study Flyer (PDF)

Study : Discourse and congition in adults with and without brain injury. 

Participants are invited to take part in a research study that investigates how langauge is proccessed in the brain. 

To schedule your visit, or for more information please contact: 

- Hana Kim, PhD, Assistant Professor , via email

or via phone (813) 974-8300

Eligibility Visits Include

-Adults aged 18 or older

-Story-telling and cognitive activities ( at USF or home-visits ) 
-English as first language -Brain imaging study (optional , only at USF)
-Normal or coeected vision and hearing Compensation: $15 per hour
-Individuals with or without brain injury ( e.g., stroke, Tramatic Brain Injury )   

Discourse Study Flyer