Participate in Research

United in Health - Achieving Well-Being in Aging Couples

Healthy Relationship Lab - Participate in Research



What is this study about?

Older adults face a wide range of health challenges as they age. This research seeks to better understand how aging couples manage these health challenges together.

What you'll do:

    • Initial Study Session (3hrs)
      • answer written and verbal questions
      • discussion relationship concern with partner
    • Daily Surveys (1-5min | 3x/day | 2wks)
      • answer written questions on smartphone
    • Final Study Session (2hrs)
      • answer written and verbal questions



Up to $200/person ($400/couple).



This study can be completed entirely online.

Optional in-person study sessions at USF Tampa for participants local to the Greater Tampa Bay area -  we will pay for  transportation.

Are you eligible?

    • 55+ years old
    • In a heterosexual relationship
    • Both partners are willing to participate
    • Smartphone owner



         To see if you qualify or to ask questions, please
