Article Listing
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

Fall 2021 Behavioral Healthcare graduates honored at pinning ceremony
Fall 2021 graduates of the behavioral healthcare major were honored at an in-person pinning ceremony.
December 13, 2021Mental Health Law and Policy

CBCS hosts Pups & Popsicles event
CBCS hosts Pups & Popsicles in the MHC atrium.
December 6, 2021College News

Former criminology graduate student receives ASC Paper Award
Averi Fegadel, a 2020 graduate of the PhD program in criminology, received the Student Paper Award from the American Society of Criminology (ASC).
November 29, 2021College News, Criminology

PhD candidate in aging studies receives Black Men's Brain Health Fellowship
Aging studies PhD candidate Rio Tate was awarded the Black Men's Brain Health Fellowship.
November 29, 2021College News, School of Aging Studies

Evin B. Hartsell Foundation gift establishes endowed memorial scholarship
The Evin B. Hartsell Foundation established an endowed memorial scholarship for social work, psychology, and counseling students.
November 29, 2021Child and Family Studies, College News

CARD-USF receives donation from Buccaneers player
Buccaneers player Donovan Smith has donated $10,000 to CARD-USF.
November 22, 2021Child and Family Studies, College News

Lightning Community Hero Award recipient donates $30,000 to CARD-USF
Lightning Community Hero Award recipient Rachel Barcellona donated $30,000 to the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities at USF (CARD-USF).
November 22, 2021Child and Family Studies, College News

Kathryn Hyer posthumously receives Clark Tibbitts Award
Kathryn Hyer, PhD, MPP, FGSA, FAGHE posthumously received the Gerontology Society of America's Clark Tibbitts Award.
November 22, 2021College News, School of Aging Studies

CBCS receives $400,000 gift to support aging education and research
CBCS received a $400,000 gift to support aging education and research from Reliance Medical Centers.
November 18, 2021College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders, School of Aging Studies, School of Social Work

RMHC student receives Josie Torralba Romero Scholarship
Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling program master's student Carmen Florez received a scholarship through the National Latino Behavioral Health Association's (NLBHA) Josie Torralba Romero Scholarship Fund.
November 15, 2021Child and Family Studies, College News

Social work professor to present at the USF Global Health Conversation Series
Jerome Galea, PhD, MSW will present at the USF Global Health Conversation Series.
November 15, 2021College News, School of Social Work

CFS research professor hosts Behavior Technology Education Conference
Dr. Heather Peshak George hosted the Behavior Education Technology Conference this month.
November 15, 2021Child and Family Studies, College News