

Help support our goal to Engage, Educate and Empower our students, faculty, staff and communities we serve by donating to one of our USF Foundation funds:

536009 Social Work Student Scholarship Fund

  • A merit-based scholarship established in 2016 for Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and Master of Social Work (MSW) students who are preparing for excellence as professionals and leaders in social work practice.

530053  Renee Mulder Strategic Fund in Social Work

  • This fund will support the training, field placement, and internship needs of undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Social Work. Support will include but is not limited to background checks, required immunizations, travel allowances, and conference expenses. This fund will provide support for operations and other expenses related to the BSW and MSW Field Program.  

421320 Social Work Alumni Operating Fund

  • To generate support for the School of Social Work and to promote alumni activities.

421360 School of Social Work Operating Fund

  • To provide supplemental support for the School of Social Work.

For more information about additional giving options and how you can help make a difference please contact our Development Officer, Holly M. Behrend (813) 974-2327.