Faculty Learning Communities
FLC Developed Resources
Cheating, Plagiarism, and Forgery, OH MY!
Facilitator: Alison Oberne, Public Health (aoberne@usf.edu)
- Poster presented at the 2023 CITL Celebration of Teaching
Developing Tomorrow's Researcher
Facilitator: Heather O’Leary, Anthropology (oleary@usf.edu)
- Training of founding directors and launch of 4 new student-engaged research labs
Diagnosis Assessments for Improving Learning and Teaching
Facilitator: Yi-Hsin Chen, Educational and Psychological Studies (ychen5@usf.edu)
- Poster presented at the 2024 CITL Celebration of Teaching
Integrating USF Sustainability Initiatives into Openly Accessible Data and Curricula
Facilitators: Christopher Sturgeon (csturgeo@usf.edu) and Theresa Burress (tburress@usf.edu), USF Libraries
- Poster: A Librarian-Led Faculty Learning Community to Build Sustainability-Focused Data Infrastructure. Poster presented at the Second NSK International Green Libraries Conference, Zageb, Croatia.
Language Teachers for Technology Literacy and Innovation
Facilitators: Matt Kessler, World Languages (kesslerm@usf.edu)
- Article: Do we know our language learners?: Investigating students’ and teachers’ technology ownership, access, literacy, and interest in online education. E-Learning and Digital Media, 0(0).
Taking the Stress Out of Teaching Classes with International Students
Facilitators: Meghan Bratkovich, Foreign Language and ESOL Education (bratkovich@usf.edu) and Jane Harvey, INTO USF (jkharvey@usf.edu)
- Website: A Beginner's Guide to Teaching Classes with International Students
- Conference Presentation: Institutional Profiles in Faculty Development for Linguistically Responsive Instruction, TESOL International Convention & Expo, Tampa, FL
- Conference Presentation: Supporting University Faculty in Teaching International Students: Findings From a Faculty Learning Community. Roundtable session presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
Teaching General Education Courses: A Collaborative Exploration
Facilitator: Prashanth Ramesh Rao, Molecular Biosciences (prao@usf.edu)
- Poster presented at the 2024 CITL Celebration of Teaching
Virtual Global Exchange
Facilitators: Nazek Jawad, High Impact Practices and Undergraduate Research (nazek@usf.edu) and Russell Clayton, Business (rwclayton@usf.edu)
- Website for USF World’s Virtual Global Exchange Program. The Virtual Global Exchange FLC is a component of the program.