Article Listing
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

How to Leverage Social Media for Better Career Opportunities
Here’s the deal: If you want to advance your career, you need to be on social media.
December 27, 2019Professional Development

A Game-Changing Tip for Dealing with Difficult Customers
Somewhere between “buyer beware” and “the customer is never wrong” is the sweet spot of customer service where you concede that the people you serve are never wrong but gently allow that they are not always right.
December 13, 2019Leadership and Management, Professional Development

Benefits of Becoming a Paralegal
If you’re contemplating a career change or you’re seeking a promotion within the legal field, now is a good time to weigh the many personal and professional benefits of becoming a paralegal.
December 11, 2019Paralegal

5 Proven Employee Motivation Strategies
A motivated employee is more engaged, and an engaged employee is more productive. Gallup calculations on the U.S. workplace indicate 34 percent of workers are engaged (a survey high), 13 percent are “actively disengaged” (a new low – in a good way), and that engagement is a key driver of positive business outcomes.
December 4, 2019Human Resources, Leadership and Management

2019 Retrospective: Learning to Be Grateful
With Thanksgiving approaching, I’d like to share how grateful I am for the 2019 journey of USF Corporate Training and Professional Education. If you’ve previously read this blog, you know I sometimes draw from the well of sports for inspiration. (Spoiler alert: I’m about to do it again!)
November 27, 2019Director's Corner

Evaluating (and Diminishing) Risks in HR
All organizations, no matter how different they seem, have one thing in common: risk. And if you’re a human resources professional, risk management is part of your job.
November 26, 2019Human Resources

6 Tips for Delegating Effectively in Project Management
If letting go feels like giving in, think through these 6 essential tips for delegating effectively in project management and you’ll be on your way to helping your team take the reins and get more projects across the finish line.
November 15, 2019Project Management

5 Reasons Strong Legal Writing Is Important for Paralegals
Almost all legal work depends upon the written word, so paralegals must know how to draft flawless and persuasive submissions to the court, emails to clients, internal memorandums, wills, resolutions, contracts, and other legal filings.
November 7, 2019Paralegal

How to Improve Your Work Productivity
A day of picking pundits’ brains for ways to make your workdays/hours/minutes count led to the realization that capacity, efficiency, and organization are at the heart of the top tips on how to improve your work productivity.
November 4, 2019Process Improvement

Creating a Culture of Excellence (Part 2)
Last month I began an installment of the Essentials of Modern Leadership series by speaking about the importance of culture in the workplace. I’ll now elaborate further with three concluding strategies that, as I’ve found from experience, play key roles in creating a culture of excellence.
October 31, 2019Director's Corner, Leadership and Management

Core Principles of Business Process Improvement
The core principles of business process improvement (BPI) are not numbered, etched in stone, and universally accepted as the top 20 or 10 or five BPI commandments. There are, though, countless lists of rules or guidelines deemed most important. Using a sampling of those lists and a Venn diagram concept, we found six core principles of business process improvement.
October 22, 2019Process Improvement

What Does a Leader Look Like? Identifying Real Leadership Qualities
If you’re reading this post about leadership qualities, you already possess one of the key traits of a leader, which is introspection. Your curiosity about the topic indicates a self-awareness to reflect on your personality, choices, and motivations, and compare them to the ideal.
October 17, 2019Leadership and Management, Professional Development