Early University Programs
Frequently Asked Questions
- Use Google Chrome on a LAPTOP or DESKTOP only.
- Do Not Pay - Just close the window when application is completed.
- RETURING STUDENTS who have not missed 3 semesters GO TO STEP 5
- Note: If you have not attended for three (3) semesters you are considered NEW. Examples: If you applied in the Fall and never attended Fall, Spring, or Summer semesters, you must have a new application. If you applied for Spring and did not attend Spring, Summer, or Fall, you must re-apply as you are then considered NEW. Apply Now.
- Before you begin, find your city and find your high school code here: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/k12-educators/tools-resources/k12-school-code-search
STEP 1: Complete the Online Application (Fall or Spring only)
STEP 2: Three (3) days after you apply, activate your NetID (Will set up USF email)
STEP 3: Check your USF email inbox. Go here (usf.edu) then go to MyUSF to obtain your U Number - log into our MY USF Student portal. Review Student Self Services video.
STEP 4: Student and Parent Fill out Medical History Form to Web Submit the form to Student Health Services.
- ONLY required if you are taking on USF campus or on public high school classes. Not needed for on-line classes.
- Note: Please Check DECLINE MENINGITIS & DECLINE HEPATITIS on the form.
STEP 5: Student and Parent/guardian fill out student information FORM 1. Name and email of your high school counselor is required in the form.
STEP 6: Log onto your MY USF student portal.
- To look up courses use STUDENT SELF SERVICES. Log on to have access.
- OTHER way to find classes is SCHEDULE SEARCH
Note: Your high school/homeschool counselor will fill out course approval FORM 2 after you work with that counselor & provide course options. Form 2 is an electronic form with course selections approved by your counselor for you to take.
STEP 8: FORM 2 submission by all counselors is required. One per semester (Fall/Spring).
- PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL students taking ON-PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL dual enrollment campus classes will be courtesy registered by USF based on the high school counselor's Dual Enrollment FORM 2 submission.
Step 9: SELF-REGISTRATION - USF-online or on-USF-Campus courses will require self-registration using STUDENT SELF SERVICES after logging onto MY USF student portal.
Step 10: Books must be purchased through student account and FOLLETT bookstore before classes begin. Funds will be availabe through the 2nd week of class only. Do not get book trials as they expire in 2 weeks and students will not have their education materials once that downloaded trial ends. ONLY get boosks through Follett.
EMAILS to STUDENTS: USF dual enrollment sends emails to the student's USF email address to remind them of registration and book purchase processes and deadlines. Students should monitor their emails to receive notifications.
Free Microsoft 365 for all students: https://software.usf.edu/microsoft-office-365