
Student Self-Service

You've got the power!

We're pleased to announce that the new Student Self-Service portal is live!

With Student Self-Service, you can manage your student business in one convenient place online (replaces Student OASIS), including:

  • Update your personal info
  • Provide access to view your record to a parent/supporter
  • View account info and pay bills
  • Manage financial aid
  • View grades and transcripts
  • Register for classes
  • And more!

Streamlined and mobile optimized means you can take care of your business conveniently on your phone!

Jump in, start exploring and take control!

Below you'll find video tutorials to ensure you understand what Student Self-Service offers, how to access it from MyUSF, and how to use the intuitive platform.

General Information videos

landing page


view and update my information


student profile demo


view my final grades


third party proxy - students


third party proxy - families


Course Registration videos

register for variable credits


create a registration plan


using conditional add/drop


create an academic plan


prepare for registration


search for classes


view your active registrations


use a waitlist


Financial Aid videos

aid and my bill






financial aid terms and conditions


sap graduate students


sap undergraduate students


unsatisfied requirements


florida prepaid


viewing and accepting awards



Tuition & Fees videos

tuition and fees


Faculty & Staff Videos

use global proxy