
Class Registration

Course registration is completed through MyUSF. Log in to view your registration appointment time and prepare to register for classes through Student Self-Service (formerly OASIS) following the steps and using the helpful resources below.

Please follow this path to view your registration appointment time: Log in to MyUSF, access Student Self-Service: Student Record -> View My Student Profile -> Registration Notices (located in the upper right-hand corner of the profile): your time ticket will display here.

For detailed step-by-step instructions form preparing for course registration to adding courses to your student schedule in Student Self-Service, please watch the following videos below:

Course REGISTRATION videos


prepare for registration


create an academic plan


search for classes


register for classes


use a waitlist


register for variable credits


use conditional add drop


view your active registrations



We recommend that you meet with an academic advisor prior to registration. Meeting with an academic advisor ensures that you are taking the appropriate courses for your degree each term, and will keep you on the most efficient path towards graduation.  Contact your College to schedule an advising appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I drop/withdraw from a class?

To withdraw, go to Register for Class from the Plan and Register tab on Student Self Service. Select the term and then go to the Summary window in the bottom right of the screen. You will see an action box. Choose the dropdown and select the action you would like to take.

how to withdraw

Once you have chosen the action, choose Submit at the bottom of the page. Status for the course will then change from Registered to Dropped.

Why do I see a message that tells me to use Ctrl + Alt+ C?

If you are seeing a message it is a shortcut key that helps reset your view as they images may have become skewed switching between monitors or screens. If you click Ctrl+Alt+C together, the panels will appear again as they were defaulted originally on the screen.

window message ctrl alt c

Why don’t I see my online courses on my schedule view?

In person classes will only show on the schedule view. To see your online course listings, click on Schedule Details or Schedule and Options from the Register for Classes link.

online course schedule view

Where do I see the start and end dates of a class?

Start and end dates can be seen in various locations. The easiest way is when searching for a section, you can hover over the meeting times and additional information will be brought up in a pop-up window.

start end classes

How do I know what the prerequisites are for the course?

Each course has the title hyperlinked. Click on the hyperlink and a pop-up window will appear. Then click on prerequisites. You will then be able to see if a course has any prerequisites that are needed for the course.

prerequisites for courses

Still have questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page for quick answers and helpful information.