Education for Justice Conference
The David C. Anchin Center for the Advancement of Teaching is postponing the annual conference, Education for Justice. To receive the latest information about the David C. Anchin Center's annual conference, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions, please email
information about past conferences
October 15-17, 2021
- October 15-16: Face-to-face sessions on the USF Tampa campus
- October 17: Virtual sessions and keynote presentation
Early Bird Registration Fee: $150 (until October 1, 2021)
General Registration Fee: $200 (starting October 2, 2021)
Your registration includes:
- Access to all keynote presentations and breakout sessions
- Friday evening opening reception
- Breakfast and lunch on Saturday
- On-campus parking for face-to-face sessions (Friday and Saturday)
Group pricing discounts are available upon request; reduced registration costs are offered for current students and presenters.
Conference Overview
After shepherding students through a global pandemic that highlighted so many longstanding inequalities that serve as a barrier to achievement, teachers and administrators are returning to school this fall with a new unknown—what does education look like as communities adjust to the post-pandemic world?
Campuses and school buildings are reopening their doors for a “return to normal,”
though this approach doesn’t fully encompass the complexity of what teachers, students,
and families have endured since March of last year. Questions remain about how to
best accelerate learning for students who have experienced learning loss, teachers’
well-being and emotional health, teacher recruitment and retention, primary and secondary
trauma, and the health and safety of
everyone in schools.
This conference will explore these questions as we collaboratively forge a path forward towards a more socially-just, equitable education for students, especially those underserved in our current school structures.
Themes that we will explore include:
- How to accelerate learning for students with learning loss and how to assure equitable instructional practices, high expectations, and rich learning opportunities for student success.
- Supports for teachers’ well-being and emotional health, such as restorative practices and healing.
- Strengthening education as a conduit of opportunity and justice in areas including equity and teaching in a context that acknowledges the current climate around racism, discrimination and structural inequities. We will also explore topics such as intersectionality, LGBTQ justice and supports for educators of color.
Keynote Speakers

Dr. H. Richard Milner IV
Professor of Education
Peabody College of Vanderbilt University
Twitter Profile
H. Richard Milner IV (also known as Rich) is Cornelius Vanderbilt Distinguished Professor of Education and Professor of Education in the Department of Teaching and Learning at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University. His research, teaching and policy interests concern urban education, teacher education, African American literature, and the social context of education.
Professor Milner’s research examines practices and policies that support teacher effectiveness in urban schools. Professor Milner is President-Elect of the American Educational Research Association, the largest educational research organization in the world. He is an elected member of the National Academy of Education and a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association.
Professor Milner’s work has appeared in numerous journals, and he has published seven books. His most recent are: "Start where you are but don’t stay there: Understanding diversity, opportunity gaps, and teaching in today’s classrooms" (Harvard Education Press, 2010 and 2020, Second Edition), "Rac(e)ing to class: Confronting poverty and race in schools and classrooms" (Harvard Education Press, 2015) and "These kids are out of control: Why we must reimagine classroom management for equity" (Corwin Press, 2018). He can be reached at

Dr. Jeff Duncan-Andrade
San Francisco State University
Twitter Profile
Jeff Duncan-Andrade, Ph.D., is Professor of Latina/o Studies and Race and Resistance Studies at San Francisco State University. He is also a founder of the Roses in Concrete Community School, a community responsive lab school in East Oakland and the Community Responsive Education Group.
As a classroom teacher and school leader in East Oakland (CA) for the past 28 years, his pedagogy has been widely studied and acclaimed for producing uncommon levels of social and academic success for students. Duncan-Andrade lectures around the world and has authored numerous journal articles and book chapters on effective practices in schools. He has written two books and his third book with Harvard Press is due out Spring 2021.
In 2016, Duncan-Andrade was part of the great educators invited to the White House on National Teacher Appreciation Day by President Obama, and in 2019 he was chosen as the Laureate for the prestigious Brock International Prize in Education. In 2021, he was selected to join the Board of Prevent Child Abuse America. Duncan-Andrade has also been ranked as one of the nation’s most influential scholars by EdWeek’s Public Influence Rankings.
Duncan-Andrade’s transformational work on the elements of effective teaching in schools is recognized throughout the U.S. and as far abroad as New Zealand. His research interests and publications span the areas of youth wellness, trauma responsiveness, curriculum change, teacher development and retention, critical pedagogy, and cultural and Ethnic Studies. He works closely with teachers, school site leaders, union leaders and school district officials to help them develop classroom practices and school cultures that foster self-confidence, esteem, and academic success among all students.
Duncan-Andrade holds a Ph.D. in Social and Cultural Studies in Education and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Literature, both from the University of California – Berkeley.

Dr. Bettina L. Love
Professor of Teacher Education
University of Georgia
Twitter Profile
Dr. Bettina L. Love is an award-winning author and the Athletic Association Endowed Professor at the University of Georgia. She is one of the field’s most esteemed educational researchers. Her writing, research, teaching, and educational advocacy work meet at the intersection of education, abolition, and black joy. Dr. Love is concerned with how educators working with parents and communities can build communal, civically engaged schools rooted in Abolitionist Teaching with the goal of intersectional social justice for equitable classrooms that love and affirm Black and Brown children.
In 2020, Dr. Love co-founded the Abolitionist Teaching Network (ATN). ATN’s mission
is to: develop and support teachers and parents to fight injustice within their schools
and communities. In 2020, Dr. Love was also named a member of the Old 4th Ward Economic
Security Task Force with the Atlanta City Council.
Dr. Love is a sought-after public speaker on a range of topics, including: Abolitionist
Teaching, anti-racism, Hip Hop education, Black girlhood, queer youth, Hip Hop feminism,
art-based education to foster youth civic engagement, and issues of diversity and
inclusion. She is the creator of the Hip Hop civics curriculum GET FREE.
In 2014, she was invited to the White House Research Conference on Girls to discuss
her work focused on the lives of Black girls. For her work in the field of Hip Hop
education, in 2016, Dr. Love was named the Nasir Jones Hiphop Fellow at the Hutchins
Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University. In April of
2017, Dr. Love participated in a one-on-one public lecture with bell hooks focused
on the liberatory education practices of Black and Brown children. In 2018, Georgia’s
House of Representatives presented Dr. Love with a resolution for her impact on the
field of education. She has also provided commentary for various news outlets including
NPR, Ed Week, The Guardian, and the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
She is the author of the books "We Want to Do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching
and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom" and "Hip Hop’s Li’l Sistas Speak: Negotiating
Hip Hop Identities and Politics in the New South." Her work has appeared in numerous
books and journals, including the English Journal, Urban Education, The Urban Review,
and the Journal of LGBT Youth.
To learn more and explore conference breakout sessions please visit the event website.

December 3-5, 2020
- December 3-5: Virtual sessions and keynote presentation
Conference Overview
The coronavirus pandemic underscores longstanding inequalities that exist in the educational system and serve as a barrier to achievement by all of Florida’s children. The crisis precipitated by extended school closings and tentative reopening also provides an opportunity to change policy and practice to address these persistent issues and inequities. This conference capitalizes on the sense of urgency created by the pandemic and seeks to launch enduring, transformative changes in the way education is provided to diverse populations in Florida schools, especially those from the most vulnerable families and communities.
Keynote Speakers

Pedro Noguera, PhD
Rossier School of Education
University of Southern California

Joan Hughes, PhD
Associate Professor of Curriculum & Instruction
University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Joan E. Hughes is an Associate Professor of Learning Technologies and the Graduate Adviser for the Curriculum and Instruction department at The University of Texas at Austin. Her research and teaching examines how K-12 teachers and students use technologies in-and-outside the classroom for subject area learning and how school leaders support classroom technology integration. Her research takes her into educator preparation programs, K-12 schools and classrooms, and most recently into the edtech entrepreneurial ecosystem where she developed an intervention called “SlowPitch,” which is a design think tank meant to eliminate knowledge silos through cross-boundary dialogue among EdTech startups, PK-12 students, educators, school leaders, developers, researchers, and others. While she has published and presented widely, she is very proud to be the co-author of the text, Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching: Transforming Learning Across Disciplines (8th edition), which is one of the most widely adopted interactive digital texts that assists in preparing novice and veteran teachers to integrate technology across content areas. She began her career in the EdTech field as an elementary and middle school computer teacher in Silicon Valley in the early 1990s, and working with teachers and students still invigorates her.

Eric Hall, EdD
Senior Chancellor for K-12 Education
Florida Department of Education
Dr. Eric Hall has nearly two decades of experience serving in executive leadership,
with significant expertise in the fields of education, youth development and juvenile
justice. In March 2019, he returned home to Florida and became the state’s Senior
Chancellor at the Florida Department of Education (FDOE).
In his role at FDOE, he serves as a chief advisor to the Commissioner of Education
and is instrumental in developing and implementing the state’s top education priorities.
He is leading the Department’s efforts on Governor Ron DeSantis’ education-related
executive orders, which are centered around having the best instructional standards,
the safest schools and #1 workforce education in the nation. The agency has put forth
an aggressive agenda to ensure that all Floridians have access to the world-class
education they deserve, and Dr. Hall is making substantial contributions to transform
these student-focused goals into reality.
Prior to this position, he led renowned education initiatives in a number of positions
in North Carolina. Most recently, as Deputy State Superintendent for Innovation, he
oversaw multiple divisions and initiatives within the North Carolina Department of
Public Instruction. Eric was also the state’s founding Superintendent of North Carolina’s
Innovative School District and, before that, the President and CEO of Communities
In Schools of North Carolina (CISNC). In all of these positions, he built strong partnerships
with state and local education leaders, as well as the business community, to support
and sustain services aimed at improving educational opportunities for students across
the state.
Preceding his move to North Carolina, Eric served as the National Director of Educational
Services for AMIkids, Inc., a nonprofit organization providing intervention services
to youth in juvenile justice programs and non-traditional schools in nine states.
Eric’s other career experience includes successful board and community development;
strategic planning; education innovation; educator and school leader development;
and significant experience building and fostering partnerships across agencies and
organizations to support common missions and visions. He began his career as a teacher,
then later transitioned into school leadership, and soon after was promoted to lead
the implementation of education and juvenile justice reforms in Florida and other
states across the nation.
Eric holds a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Science Education, a master’s degree in
Educational Leadership, and a doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
from the University of South Florida. His research has been published in academic
journals and books, with topics focused on student discipline, the school-to-prison
pipeline, school leadership, and non-traditional schools.
Eric has been a member of many professional affiliations and is the recipient of numerous
awards recognizing his outstanding leadership and role in supporting legislative initiatives.
Eric is the son of two public school teachers, and his wife is a school social worker.
Eric, his wife, and their two children live in Tallahassee.