

Faculty and researchers in biotechnology in USF ChBME cross interdisciplinary lines to engineer biology and biomaterials to advance human health, clean energy, and clean chemistry.

Structure prediction and design of membrane proteins

Research Laboratories

Computational Biology and Engineering Protein Assemblies

PI: Dr. Rituparna Samanta| Website

Protein Engineering & Dynamic Living Systems

PI: Dr. Piyush Koria | ENG 229D | Website

Bioreceptor Engineering

PI: Dr. Lawrence Stern | Website

Engineering synthetic receptors for human health

Sensors Research

PI: Venkat Bethanabotla | IDRB 218 | Website

Polymer Science and Smart Materials

PI: Ryan Toomey | ENG 120C 


PI: Dr. Anna Pyayt | IDRB 209 


Dr. William E. Lee III, PE | ENG 229E